Sat 7th Aug 2021 08:23

Shift Notations

by Carter Boyd

Day 7 - First traveler's lodge [Been here 5 days]:

  • Looking up at the sky often.

  • Can heart my heartbeat off and on.

  • Desire to get out of the house and do something.

  • Desire for meat still increasing (though bread sounds amazing too.)

  • Day 8 - First traveler's lodge [Been here 6 days]:
  • Sense of something looming over the house.

  • The looming is creating desperation to get out of it and DO something.

  • Paranoia - Concern for my companions increasing. (From me? From other things?)

  • Buzzing.

  • Peaceful feeling decreasing rapidly.

  • Day 8 - Second traveler's lodge:
  • Paranoia skyrocketing. Can barely contain it.

  • Buzzing ever present.

  • The feeling of something pressing on my shoulders.

  • Aggression increasing.

  • Urge for... "power".

  • Desire to literally "drink mana".

  • Day 8 - Part Two:
  • I want to murder the fuck outside who is terrifying my companions.

  • Really want to murder him.

  • Buzzing has turned into a singing.

  • I really want to go outside and bathe in the moon's light.

  • Can't. Protect.

  • They're looking at me funny.

  • Day 9 - Second traveler's lodge [2nd day]:
  • Dripping water.

  • Release.

  • I can breathe. At least a little better.

  • Still protective.

  • Buzzing returned.

  • Day 10 - Third traveler's lodge:
  • Calm. I feel calm again.

  • The buzzing has gone away and my shirt fits again.

  • I feel like myself, just quieter.

  • I don't feel like I have much to say at all, really. It's weird because I ALWAYS had something to say before. Instead, I feel content listening to my companion's non-stop talking.

  • Am I happy?
  • Continue reading...

    1. Shift Notations
    2. A new life.
    3. On being Ogren.