Sun 7th Nov 2021 08:08

A new life.

by Carter Boyd

A lot has changed over the last 6 weeks since I made my last entry. I've had two shifts so far, the second being way easier to deal with than the first. I think the stress of having the other Screaming Ogren outside the house made the first shift even worse than it could have been. The second, I just kept myself on task and tried to make it work for me instead.
....for a while there... I was really concerned I would be leaving the group. Jo was acting so sinister and erratic, and I was doing everything I could to help her see the difference. We fought twice, verbally, and I almost gave up. ....and I hate to say it... but thank God that that fucking bird went after Avery, or we may have lost Jo forever. Still... I look at that scar on Avery's face and I can't help but (be a fucking idiot) think I should have tried harder. The problem is, Jo is so fucking intelligent and iron willed that she mentally runs circles around me. .....but it all worked out in the end.
I'm still trying to figure out my place here. The way I was going back on Earth, I didn't have a place there either. I suppose this whole thing gave me more to focus on. Something to work towards, people to care about again. I know I'm still quiet at times. I know I'm still grieving.
We've been here, let's see, 7 weeks now or so. So, Mom's been gone for almost 6 months. Fuck, it still burns. It's almost worse because in THIS place, there's MAGIC. Magic that may have been able to cure her. I mean, fuck, I HEAL PEOPLE. WITH MY HANDS. ....I still can't tell if this is a new beginning or purgatory. No, it's a new beginning. There was nothing left for me back home. At least here, I can be around people who genuinely seem to like me.
Jess keeps trying to hook me up with people, and I don't know how I feel about that. How long has it been since I've had a girlfriend? Nadia was the last one, and that was.... Jesus, it's been four years.
That leads me to: How long do Ogren live? Are they longer lived than Humans? Should I be expecting to die in the next 10 years? Fuck, I hope not. I just got started here. .....but is my body really the age I was? I seem to be 24, not almost 30... I think. I'm not sure. Jo says I've changed a lot, especially after she saw my picture again from when I was at my last job. I'm taller, for sure. More chiseled, certainly. .... yeah, I think she's right. I think it took her saying so for me to finally see it.
Scott doesn't really talk about himself. At all. He talks about mechanics, talks about the women here, but otherwise, he doesn't talk at all. Jo and Jess insinuate that he was more than just Peace Corps, but I can't tell if they're joking or not. What did he leave behind? Was I the only one that didn't have anything to go back to?
Anyway, I think it's time to turn in.

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