
Of Eggs and responsibilities

by Jarghull Nabaal

Who knew caring for an egg was so challenging...
Thank Bahamut for Didron. He's been helping and has taken over the role of main caretaker. I've been going to Driord every once in a while to check on it and see how things are and it seems things are going great (as far as I know). I told Teagan and it was a pretty big shock, but he's taking it pretty well. He left for Driord yesterday to go check on the egg. I feel like it's in good hands.
There's no progress on the Lycanthropy situation, but I have started to brief the guards and priestess Nessa. They all seem pretty on board and are starting to get the hang of how to handle a Lycanthropy plague. I have been talking to the priestess a bunch, she's pretty nice (she does mention Katara quite a bit though).
I also got a seat on the council of Chalk! I am now the representative of the people of Chalk!
I'm planning of leaving tomorrow to see if I can find an old friend again. I only know one place where I could find him, and it isn't too far from Chalk. I just hope he recognizes me. If not I'll have to run.
Things are looking up, but I still look back. I miss them, but I'll be sure they'll be alright. I wonder where they are right now. How would Lena be doing? ...
With Platinum Resolve.

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  1. Lena
  2. Of Eggs and responsibilities
  3. Working from home
  4. Taking matters into my own hands