Woden | World Anvil

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The Traveler



1: To have representatives of each species of the Ironlands into one settlement




ED 2

HE 3

IR 3

SH 2

WI 4

XP 0


Campaign & Party

Played by
Woden Búrison

Welcome to my profile! 2021 is going to be a big year. I would love to share my journey with you into becoming a writer. Please if you have any suggestions or constructive critisms, please tell me.


The major events and journals in Woden's history, from the beginning to today.

What is happening to me? I am unconscious....

03:15 am - 14.01.2021

Let's see what else this world has to offer me

04:19 am - 13.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Woden.

Played by
Woden Búrison

Welcome to my profile! 2021 is going to be a big year. I would love to share my journey with you into becoming a writer. Please if you have any suggestions or constructive critisms, please tell me.