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Nahydrian Elixir
0 GP
CL 20th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA strong conjuration and necromancy [evil]
This thick, syrupy, deep purple elixir contains within it the ability to infuse a drinker with a tiny fragment of a dead demon lord's mythic power. So potent is this elixir that it must be stored in a magically reinforced cold iron flask capped with a mixture of lead and demon ichor- the flask itself is essentially a wondroud magic item that does nothing else, and costs 8,000 gp to craft. Even then, the elixir's essence fills a 10-foot-radius area with unholy energies that sicken all living creatures (this is a poison effect with no saving trhwo). If the flask is opened, this radius expands to 30 feet. A thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of common metal, or 1 foot of stone blocks this effect.    Once the flask is opened, the elixir must be imbibed within 1 minute; re-capping the elixir at this point does not reset or pause this countdown. If the elixir is not imbibed within that time, the energy within explodes in a 30-foot-radius burst that deals 15d6 points of unholy damage (Will DC 25 half) to all creatures in the area of effect, destroying the elixir.   If a non-mythic creature, or a mythic creature that is not Chaotic Evil purposefully drinks the Nahydrian elixir, their alignment shifts automatically to Chaotic Evil and take 2 Wisdom drain. If a creature is forced to drink, or accidentally drinks a Nahyrdian elixir, they must succeed at a DC 35 Will save or have their alignment shift one towards Chaotic Evil and take 2d6 Wisdom drain (success reduces this damage to 2 Wisdom Drain). Regardless, any drinker must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save, or take 4d6 points of Constitution drain (success reduces this damage to 4 Constitution drain). A mythic creature that drinks (whether on purpose, accidentally, or forced to) that is not Chaotic Evil must execute the same saves without the benefit of any mythic bonuses (such as mythic rerolls or mythic boons).   Regardless of the previous results, if the result is a creature is now Chaotic Evil, that creature undergoes a massive demonic transformation which imbues all of their blood with a purple glowing hue, and their body exhibits massive demonic features, such as (but not limited to) horns, a long and thin tail, reddish, decrepit, or purpleish skin, red or black eyes, and blackened or loss of hair. Such changes are not the same for every creature, even if the same creature type imbibed the Nahydrian elixir, and not all of the demonic features may be exhibited.   After the transformation, a non-mythic creature must succeed on a DC 30 Will save. Success means the creature gains a mythic path or mythic rank (at the GM's discretion). Failure means the creature goes insane (as the insanity spell), suffering 1 Wisdom Drain per round until the spell is negated, or the creature attempts with another Nahydrian elixir.   A chaotic evil creature that is already mythic treats a Nahydrian elixir as a nectar of the gods (Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 155).   Nahyrdian elixirs have the same strange immunity to teleportation effects as the Nahydrian Crystal.


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Pathfinder 1e

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