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(She/ Her)


Valencia is an orange woman living in Lukemire Village. She leads a simple a quiet life, keeping to herself and living on the outskirts of the village in an old tavern. She has no memory of her past and only remembers waking up one day in Lukemire alone and confused. She eventually wandered into Lukemire Village where she met Atla Dena and Borden Dena. They helped Valencia get back on her feet and eventually she asked Callery Lukemire if there was any place for her to stay, to which Callery happily responded "Yes!" and told her about the abandoned tavern.

For the past six years or so Valencia has been helping where she can in the village and renovating the tavern to make it more of a home. Despite all the hospitality of the citizens in the village, she still feels lonely, as if she's missing something from her life. She's tried to remember her past, but can't, as if she's shut out of her own memories. She doesn't let it bother her too much and carries on with her life. She continues to hold onto hope that she'll remember some day.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Valencia helps do a lot of the heavy lifting in Lukemire Village, lending a hand wherever she can. She is quite strong.

Identifying Characteristics

A nasty looking scar across her right eye, making her unable to see out of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valencia's past is shrouded in mystery, since she woke up in a field in Lukemire. All she remembered was her first name. At first she was more active in trying to find out what happened to her, but over time she just came to accept it and live in the moment instead.

Mental Trauma

Because of whatever happened to her, Valencia feels incomplete, like a huge part of her life is missing. An aching emptiness in her chest that she can't describe. The Nightcrawlers are helping with that though :]

Morality & Philosophy

Valencia believes that everyone should live in the moment, for the past can't be changed no matter how hard you try and that you should take each day as it is and not look back. Or at least, she wants to believe she thinks that way, but the truth is she sometimes can't help think about her mysterious past.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

She usually has a pack of Spangler's Cigarette Smarties on hand. They're not very good for you, but they help relieve anxiety.


Social Aptitude

Valencia doesn't get out much and doesn't hang with many people. The only people she keeps in contact with is Callery, because she comes to check up on Valencia sometimes, and the Dena family. She helps around the village sometimes to try and repay what they've given her and to stay an active resident, but she doesn't leave her property too often.

Hobbies & Pets

She owns two Nightcrawlers named Hurricane and Butterbean.

She also likes to carpentry, for she's actively making new furniture for her house. She also likes cooking, canoeing, and hiking. Anything where she can get away from people and just be along with nature really.


A rough and gravely voice.


Current Status
Caring for the Nightcrawlers at her house
Current Residence
Lukemire Village
Presented Sex
Yellow; Right eye is pure white (Blind)
Short; Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 11"

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