History of the Guild

For over nine thousand years, our guild has been at the forefront of combating the myriad of threats that face the Silverhost Empire. Ever since its foundation, we have protected its borders from all types of menace, from within and without. We travel the Neptaverse to quell infestations, seeking out terrors and battling monstrosities. Our fame follows us and the young ones idolize us. We are the heroes of the realm and protectors of the Empire.   In the halls of our home, the Nocuit Keep, there are a collection of trophies that is the stuff of legend. Included are the Skulls of the Vyatel Dynasty of Astral Dragons to the plucked out eyes of the giant kraken, Minahad the Devouring and the bones of Ikbael the self proclaimed Demi-God himself. The great hall is the remembering place for many past threats kept as relics of the past. Those of us that have done more remarkable things, find our tallies and tales forever marked in the Grand Book of Heroes. To be remembered among these pages carries no greater honor for a member of our guild and it is what all of us strive for; glory to the Empire.

The Diviospecs

The Ordo is broken down into divisions known as the Diviospecs or 'Specs', each with their own specialization and hierarchy of commands. The largest specs are the Astrata, the Monstrum, the Magicae, the Diabolis and the Hereticus; the big five.

  • The Astrata are agents who patrol, navigate and explore the astral currents for any trace of one of the connectable gates of L'Astra Porta. Often connected or attached to the exploratory missions of the planet hopping guilds, these agents represent the Empire's interests during the larger prospecting convoys. Relations with Corpo-Guilds is a priority and it would seem, at times, they are protecting the Corpo-Guild interests as much as the Empire's.

  • The Monstrüm are agents who specialize in the hunting of aberrations, beasts and monsters that threaten the Empire's borders and planets. These brave agents are the first and last defense against the viciousness and ferocity of the primal creations of the Neptaverse. Most of the threats are to populations of municipalities that come to this spec's attention however there have been instances of cosmic level threats that endangered entire planetary systems. On these rare occasions, the entirety of the Silverhost Navy has been brought to bear.

  • The Magicae are the hunters of rogue magic casters and unsanctioned arcana users. There are few but those able that dodge the Magistrate's tight grip or betray their oaths to the Collegiate's Creed are their prey and they are relentless in their pursuit. Magic of all types are under their purview and their reputation of mercilessly chasing those they deem offenders is infamous across many galaxies.

  • The Diabolous hunt the demons from the Abyssys and devils from Nilhevete who cross the planar barriers to prey on citizens of the Empire. Their charge is to banish the demons in all their forms and imprison any devils who cross past the forbidden plane. Gods of the Dark Planes are battling each other and the Divine Family for influence on the Mater and the agents of the Diviospec Diabolous are there to help maintain the balance.

  • The Hereticus hunt traitors of the Empire and hold everyone true to the letter of the Empire's laws. None are above their authority as they root out corruption, subdue ambition and silence dissent. Hereticus agents adhere to a strict code and through the millennia of their existence, they have maintained a pristine track record of persecuting those who put their own desires ahead of the Empire's will.

  •   On the capital planet, all of the big five specs operate out of the same base of operations commonly referred to as The Keep. The Ordo V'Nandi has a joint command comprised of the multiple branches known within the Ordo unofficially as The Brass.   There are many lesser known specs; some form for a single detail while others focus on more clandestine operations. The Brass are truly the only ones who know the full spectrum of their jurisdiction and there is often cooperation between specs in the Ordo with a singular focus to protect the Empire.

    The Keep

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    On the Aegda Island in Cornerstone is the Nocuit Castle known as The Keep to the Agents. Out of the Ordo's few larger bases of operation within the Empire, it is considered the main.   Built upon the shear cliff face of the ocean coast and standing eighty feet tall between two perimeter walls of forty foot proportions each. Melded into the rock itself, it is quite beautiful how its construction fuses with the natural geography. Ten skinny rune crafted towers of defense form an imperfect rectangular barrier that are connected by wide rune fortified walls made of light gray marble that shades around the top walls. Wide diamond shape windows are scattered across the walls for defense and artillery in case the need for it arises. An aerial port with a dozen landing docks is constantly abuzz with Ordo Air-Ships. As an entrance for non aerial craft, a gridded gate with colossal metal doors are connected by a drawbridge. The bridge itself is magically protected by powerful glyphs of warding that face west and connect to the rest of the island. With facilities that house nearly a hundred, most of this structure is subterranean. The floors descend thirteen levels down; the castle walls are the tip of the iceberg for the complex that spreads deep, built within the entire island itself.

    The Brass

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    Within the Ordo, the nickname The Brass has been donned to those who report directly to the Capa-Senatorum. The structure of government allows autonomy and the Ordo's creed is that no one is above their gaze. The Brass are officially known as the Ordo Council, It is an extremely secretive organization that handles the Empire's most sensitive information.   During the founding, the Ordo Council was primarily an advisory group of arcane spellcasters who served the Empire's Warden-Elects on all matters magical. Since then it has grown into an investigative branch of the Silverhost Empire for a wide variety of issues that are deemed as a threat, including unsanctioned magic use, disruptive planar breaches and policing the power brokers of the realm.

    The Ordo Air-Ships

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    Matriarch-class air-ships are the planar travelling ships of the Ordo V'Nandi. Structurally, these vessels are the most advanced astra-nautical arcane technology available to the Empire. Captained by veteran navy pilots trained in the School of Dunamancy and accompanied by the finest Astralseer of their trade, these ships allow the squads of the Ordo the mobility to meet any threat in the Neptaverse head on with force or subtlety.


    The Silverhost Empire at a Glance

    The Silverhost Empire spans trillions of light years, a span impossible to traverse without magically aided travel. The majority of the Empire's planets are connected by a set of arcane gates. Made in an unknown time by an unknown people. These gates, the L'Astra Porta, are what the Silverhost was founded upon.   The Silverhost is governed by the Capa-Senatorum, the House of the Warden-Elects, the all powerful, oversight electorate consisting of a large number of racial compositions and galactic representatives from every corner and angle of the Neptaverse.   This Empire, like all empires before it, is always expanding; a maintenance that is reliant on the growth and the industry that comes with it. Expansion has become the focus of the Warden-Elects and with that expansion, comes an exponential growth to the number of threats; all destined to cross the desk of the Brass of the Ordo.

    The Ordo Protects

    Threats to the Empire's longevity come from everywhere, including within. Its short history is wrought with civil feuds and expansionist wars that have nearly destroyed itself on numerous occasions. Its hold on the collected galaxies containing gates is not a certain one and the Capa-Senatorum is a political viper pit of power hungry planetary motivations.
    The union that is the Silverhost is in a constant struggle to maintain the control of the irreplaceable system of ancient arcane gates that connects the planets. These planets have a large militaristic presence set on each These armies protect the gate itself and the cities that have built up around them. Their importance to the realm is paramount, without them there would be no Empire. They allow anyone and anything to freely travel between them, giving the ability to the Silverhost Navy to rapidly transport the entirety of their forces across their domain. Through this system, the risk and time become minimal compared to the chaos and dangers the Astral Sea and conventional space travel provides.  

    The Corpo-Guilds

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    The discovery of more of these gates has become the key to expansion for the Empire. Finding new gates enables the cycle of expansion related industries to continue unabated. This cycle has existed since the Empire's first colonization. Well funded galactic exploration guilds (also known as the trade planet hopping) send convoys of ships that sail beyond the gates in search of traces of more portals of this ancient system.   The large industry Corpo-Guilds that finance the exploratory guilds, cooperate and most often fund the Warden-Elects of the Capa-Senatorum in exchange for rights to the contracts for the harvestable resources of the newly found planets. This symbiotic relationship can be tenuous and there are often inter-empire squabbles and alliance shifting between different factions within the realm, all vying for power.   Corpo-Guilds own the vast majority of business and industry within the Empire. Whether large empire spanning or small provincial, to a Corpo-guild, profit is paramount. Industries can be multi-planet spanning with many branches and divisions or area specific due to circumstance. Whatever the case, if there is coin to be made a Corpo-Guild merchant will be there to get their cut. They are, what some would call, religious about their silver dollars.

    The Church of the Reflection Creed

    The Church has been dedicated to the Divine Family since its inception and became an early pillar of Silverhost societies. As an organization of the Empire, it is seemingly equal in power to the Corpo-Guilds and perhaps the Magistrate government itself. From lowly peasants to powerful Warden-Elects, all owe devotion to the Creed.

    The Church and its beliefs have remained largely intact throughout the eight millennia of empirical years that followed the inception of the Argent's decree. Clerics, Paladins and other devout of various gods protect the Empire's way of life through smaller cult like organizations that fall under the Church's umbrella. These orders at times come into conflict with each other over the true path but they, as a unit, have been a stalwart defender against the Infernal denizens of Nilhevete.   Today, the rituals and prayers offered to the Gods of the Divine Family are focused around the burning of prayer chits, small pieces of parchment where the prayers to gods and goddesses are written. There are also many ritualistic pools for bathing that can be found in cities and towns all over the Neptaverse. These pools are meant for moments of self reflection and honesty.   While some gods have specific words inscribed in their prayers, others 'accept' concentrated thought as fulfilling devotion. No matter the method, a balance is kept and although the scales sway in a cyclic rhythm, if ever there were an imbalance, the Nine Planes of Existence themselves could be threatened.


    Games are played with:
    Discord for voice and video chat during livestreams.
    DnDBeyond.com for building characters with official and hombrew material.
    Roll20.com as our Virtual Tabletop for maps and character positioning.
    Beyond20 for any liveplay to make rolls from your character sheet to Roll20.
      While in DnDBeyond

    Click on Create a Character.
    Choose standard as the creation method and set your sources to options to:
    (whatever is applicable for your campaign)
      Name your character, there are generators if you're having trouble.   For standard 9V campaign setups, set other options to:

    Enable Dice Rolling: Yes
    Optional Class Features: Yes
    Customize Your Origin: Yes
    Advancement type: Milestone
    Hit Point Type: Fixed
    (you may choose manual, all HP rolls are made in the Discord's dicebox at level up)

    Feats: Yes
    Multiclass Requirements: Yes
    Show Scaled Spells: Yes
    Encumbrance Type: Use Encumbrance
    Ignore Coin Weight: On
    (standard 9V campaigns have a magical auto-deposit banking system) Display Abilities: Modifiers Top
    Character Privacy: Campaign Only (you may go private, if you have something to hide ;) )


    In the Neptaverse, all available races and species are open to play, except the Warforged. While each race has its own history and lore in the Neptaverse, the same profiles are used in the official material of DnD unless otherwise specified. Races of the Neptaverse, in DnDBeyond will have 9V at the end of their names. The Neptaverse has different lore and histories for even the most common selections like dwarves and elves, who all have other sub selections of cultural ethnicities.   The Neptaverse is teeming with life, the diverse species all come with their own specific lore pertinent to aid in creating your character's backstories. Some species may not be native to the world in which your campaign is set and will require a backstory explanation as to how or why they found themselves on the capital planet as a member of the Ordo V'Nandi. These hooks are used during campaigns to help create story arcs and add layers to the storytelling you and your DM can explore.

    Within the races and species section, you will find all the lore and histories for the myriad of different folk that comprise the collective Empire, the Silverhost.   Work with your DM to ensure your race choice fits the continuity of the lore of the Neptaverse and the 9V campaign they are running.

    World Codex : Races and Species


    All available classes and subclasses are open for play. In this epic fantasy setting, and as an Ordo Member, the flavor is very heroic spy/galactic guardian orientated but a creative reason to be a non Ordo member can be discussed with your DM. All characters start at level 3 with full possible HP. After adjusting the level, a set of choices based off your class selections will appear. Tools, languages and proficiency choices are not only helpful in game but allow you to develop your character's traits and motivations.

    While playing with a party, a discussion about who is choosing what is warranted to perhaps find races and classes that complement each other. Please feel free to have homebrew discussions with your DM. It will be their job to maintain balanced play.


    When choosing a generation method, use Manual/Rolled. You may either use the stat generator within the character creator or the dicebox in Discord. If using Discord, the command is - !randchar -. Once those characteristics are generated, you may manually enter the number in the characteristics of your choice.

    If using the DnD Beyond dice, there will be 6 rolls to make with the green buttons. Each of these rolls will represent a characteristic of your choice. The roll is a 4d6 minus the lowest die. After rolling all 6 sets of dice, click Apply ability scores and set the STR - DEX - CON - INT - WIS - CHA where you wish. Consider where your racial bonuses are applied. They will factor into your final ability score. *Note that Agents must have an INT or WIS of at least 12 to have been selected into the Ordo.


    Pick your character’s:
    (i) BACKGROUND List
    (ii) alignment*, faith (if applicable)**, lifestyle
    (iii) hair, skin, eyes, height, weight, age
    (iv) personality, ideals, bonds, and flaws.
    (v) Your organization will be the Ordo V’Nandi. You will belong to one of the five Diviospecs.
    (vi) Backstory: Work with your DM to develop a backstory so that they can apply plot hooks through the campaign.

    To be a member of the Ordo, you can’t play a character that starts with an evil alignment. Whatever happens during the campaign is up to you.

    Gods play a big role in the Neptaverse. Having faith in a deity is quite common, agnostic and atheists are extrememly rare. The Empire itself is dedicated to the Argent, the God of Time; however other Divine are also worshiped across the Silverhost.
    World Codex : Neptaverse Pantheon


    Make the choices for starting equipment that is offered for your race, class and background. You can spend any gold (converted to $D you get from your background on additional equipment as well as the 1500$D the Ordo has provided for an equipment stipend. Think on items that you will need throughout your campaign.

    A Full list of equipment and Items can be found in the World Codex : Magic Items and Gear sections. $D are Silver Dollars, if not specifically stated in the cost of the item, count it as converted SP. If there is no cost stated, ask your DM for clarification.  
      As a member of the Ordo and veteran of many adventures, you’ve come across a signature item (DM approval required). This item should represent some flavor as well as effectiveness based on your character. Work with your DM to create an item that can be upgraded as you level up that remains balanced for the campaign you are playing.


    You're done! This character sheet will be where you and your DM will track everything about your character.


    Ordo Agents are well paid for many reasons. It is an extremely dangerous profession that requires the best of the best in their respective fields. The Ordo often deal with sensitive information and the Brass want their agents to be incorruptible. Salaries are deposited directly into the character's Red Shield accounts.   Pay is based off the level attained, the amount of loot/evidence collected and submitted as well as bonuses for specific danger pay. Earlier levels will pay less than higher levels.  
    Sanctioned Magic
    There are different types of Magics within the Neptaverse. Most, are widely practiced and common knowledge, necessary for the machinations of the empire to churn. Others, are sanctioned or forbidden within the Empire for a myriad of reasons; the knowledge suppressed to a very limited few. Knowledge of an even smaller minority of magic spells have been lost to time, forgotten sources buried or destroyed.
    World Codex : Magic

    As Ordo Agents, you may have access to sanctioned magics and be licensed users. Given the proper flavor or backstory knowledge, sanctioned magics like dispel or counterspell can be part of an Ordo spellcaster's repertoire. Because of the good nature and alignment, it is rare for an Agent to practice Necromantic or Void magic. Work with your DM to ensure the flavor of the campaign has continuity with your spell choices.  
    Ordo Funded
    The Ordo is a well funded organization, and its Agents definitely feel the benefits of having access to a wide array of magic items and equipment. Certain missions will require certain tools and the Ordo's Brass ensure their Agents do not go without. At your DM's discretion, missions will come with a budget that allows players to requisition the tools necessary to achieve full and complete success.  
      Items, weapons and gear that would normally be sanctioned or illegal for the Empire's citizens, can be found in the keep's armoury.
    World Codex : Magic Items and Gear

    Ordo Agents start with an Ordo Signet Ring and an Ordo Pocket.

    Work with your DM, when planning missions and quests to (within reason) setup your party up for success. Do not hesitate to ask and explain the reasoning or logic for wanting certain gear or equipment for certain missions. These tools or items should be more mission related and team orientated rather than personal gear but can be homebrewed to suit certain parameters.

    Player Progression

    Arrests XP
    In the clandestine world of Ordo Agents, each arrest and piece of evidence collected is not just a triumph against the enemies of the empire, but also a crucial step in the agents' journey to mastery. As these highly skilled operatives navigate the shadows, every successful operation contributes to their 'experience points', unlocking new levels of expertise and enhancing their capabilities, also known as leveling up.   For agents of the Magicae and the Hereticus especially, arrests are not merely apprehensions; they are strategic victories for intelligence gathering that showcase the Ordo Agents' prowess in dealing with threats that lurk in the dark corners of the Neptaverse. Whether it's apprehending a notorious crime lord, neutralizing a dangerous cult leader, or dismantling a covert operation, each successful takedown adds to the agents' experience points. The collection of evidence is an art form for Ordo Agents, requiring meticulous attention to detail. From deciphering cryptic codes to analyzing high-tech gadgets, each piece of evidence holds the key to unraveling the intricate web of criminal activities. Agents earn milestone XP based on their ability to gather and interpret evidence, enhancing their investigative skills and making them more adept at connecting the dots in complex cases. Successful evidence collection and deciphering is one factor in salary bonuses.   In the world of Ordo, where the line between order and chaos is razor-thin, the experience points earned through arrests and evidence collection are not just a measure of an agent's success but a testament to their commitment to maintaining balance in a world teetering on the edge.
    Reputation XP
    Within the covert realm of Ordo, reputation isn't just a matter of public perception; it's a tangible currency that Ordo Agents earn with each choice they make. The distinction between a good reputation and a bad one serves as a dynamic system for an additional maaner in which to earn experience points, shaping the agents' journey and influencing their effectiveness in the field.   Ordo Agents understand that their actions ripple through the undercurrents of society, and their reputation is a reflection of their commitment to upholding order. A good reputation is earned through acts of heroism, empathy, and the consistent delivery of justice. Whether it's rescuing civilians from perilous situations, diffusing high-stakes crises, or demonstrating exceptional leadership, each positive interaction contributes to the agents' reputation score. Conversely, a bad reputation is the consequence of questionable decisions, collateral damage, or compromising the principles of Ordo. Agents who tread on the fringes of morality risk losing the trust of the public and their peers. Engaging in unethical practices, causing unnecessary harm, or betraying the principles of justice diminishes the agents' reputation, hindering their progress.   The experience points gained or lost through reputation directly impact an agent's standing within Ordo. A good reputation opens doors to valuable resources, support from the community, and access to influential contacts. A bad reputation forces agents to operate on the fringes, with limited support and increased scrutiny. They must work harder to regain the trust of the public and their superiors, undertaking missions that aim to rectify their tarnished image. The journey to redemption becomes a grueling test of character, pushing agents to evolve and learn from their mistakes.   In the end, an Ordo Agent's reputation is not just a reflection of past deeds but a compass guiding their future choices. Every act of compassion or ruthlessness, each decision to uphold or compromise justice, shapes the agents' path, — they become a testament to the unwavering commitment of Ordo Agents to safeguard an empire threatened by chaos.
    Piety XP
    Being a herald of a Nexi inherently offers no immediate advantages. Nexi acknowledge and reward the dedication of their heralds; however, Nexi reward action far more than words. The level of your devotion is quantified through your piety score, and as you show your devotion through action, you receive blessings from your respective god in the form of Divine Boons.   Piety, distinct from faith or belief, is a reflection of actions undertaken in service to a Nexi, propelled by one's thoughts and ideals. The piety score represents the deeds performed in a nexi's service, actions that warrant generous rewards from the deity. Upon selecting a Nexi or a god to worship while creating a character, work with your DM to set a logical starting Piety Score. This score will increase each time you contribute to the advancement of the god's interests or align your behavior with the god's ideals. The gods anticipate remarkable accomplishments from their heralds, hence piety scores typically rise when significant goals are achieved such as completing an adventure, making considerable self-sacrifices, or when deemed appropriate by the DM. Each Nexi's goals and ideals can be found in the Neptaverse Pantheon and are useful guides on how to increase your Piety Score. Once a certain scores are achieved, a roll or selection from the chosen Nexi or God's Divine Boon table can be made.
    Ordo Training
    Downtime is not merely a respite; it's a vital opportunity for self-improvement and skill development. Ordo agents understand that honing their abilities during downtime is just as crucial as facing adversaries in the field. As the world teeters on the edge of chaos, the diligent use of downtime can make the difference between success and failure. During these intervals of reprieve, agents have the chance to engage in focused training, delving into various disciplines that complement their existing skill set. Whether it's mastering advanced combat techniques, perfecting stealth and infiltration methods, or enhancing proficiency with cutting-edge technology, agents can invest their downtime in specialized training modules tailored to their individual needs.   Agents may choose to learn new languages, become adept with tools, enhance their current skills or specialize in a trade. A full list of skills can be found in the World Codex : Ordo Skills section. The time to learn each skill varies depending on the skill level (beginner, intermediate, advamced however, continually studying or training within the Ordo allows agents to become even more skilled members of the Empire's elite security. During your downtime, you can perform this training and/or learning with retention rolls made with a 1d100. Modules require 100% retention before moving on to the next module and each skill level has a different number of modules. Skills have a prerequisite in which they must fulfill before being selected. The choice between downtime training and research is a delicate balance that agents must strike. While honing combat skills may be crucial for field operatives, staying abreast of the latest intelligence and technological advancements is equally important for analysts and tech specialists. Agents must make strategic decisions based on their role within Ordo and the evolving nature of the threats they confront.

    Personality and Background


    World Codex