Book 6: The Vast Expansion

Chapter 1: Caveat Magicae

Darnus saw that with death life could become a hardship that could end life.
He asked Portent for a favor. Open a channel between Andermyre and the Children.
Portent opened the channel. They would now be able to merge with mana.
He taught them Conjuration, Abjuration, Divination, Enchantment.
  Mother saw that life itself could be a source for mana.
She asked Darnus for collaboration. We will allow the Children to access the mana within Me and them.
Myrid opened herself. Darnus opened the Children to themselves.
They taught them primal elemental and self-sorcery magics.
  Tenrot would not be outdone.
He asked Portent for a favor. Open a channel between Andermyre and the Children.
Portent opened the channel. They would now be able to merge with mana.
He taught them Necromancy, Evocation, Transmutation and Illusion.

Chapter 2: The Soaking of Val-hannel

With the power of Andermyre at their fingertips the Children were fruitful and multiplied.
Salat's people gathered in safety in a village, town, city, until the metropolis of Val-hannel stood.
Davion's fractured into clans into caves, forts, strongholds, until the great Fortress Hordar-Kai stood.
  Now there were places of wild primal magic and dangerous adventure.
After six generations the wilds still kept the children and their children at bay.
The greatest druid, an Elf named Giala'thur crafted eight sequoia trunks as portals to each other.
The Wooden Octagon meshed the civilizations of children together in trade. Erathis and Intros awoke.   Now there were places safe from element and predator to hone crafts and skills, especially magik.
After six generations enchantment and necromancy reigned supreme.
The greatest enchanter, a human named Molok created 15 items to increase the expansion.
These magic items turned the tide against the wild. Incantos and Florauna awoke.

The Soaked

Norori'sDwarvenHammer of Thunderbolts
Suori'sDwarvenGauntlets of Power
Austri'sDwarvenGirdle of Strength
Al'boin'sElvenBow of Elvenkind
Al'frid'sElvenCloak of Elvenkind
El'don'sElvenBoots of Elvenkind
Linnaeus'sHumanSword of Seeking
Neander'sHumanShield of Stars
Antrho'sHumanBracers of the Tongue
Anilag'sClockforgedArms of Pummeling
Dijitul'sClockforgedAdamantine Skin
Aethor'sClockforgedLegs of the Zephyr
Gnoll'sGnollenBarbed Net
Tauria'sMinotaurMaul of Concussions
Raksha'sRashakshraRing of Visibility

Chapter 3: The Minor Cataclysm

The circle of wood enabled transportation between the eight corners of the world.
It sent stuff to and pulled stuff from disparate lands of Salland. Then something else came through.
Out of each wooden portal a different abomination came and the aberrations of eyes invaded.
The Flayers and Aboleth and Beholder and Chuuls and Gibberers and Slaadi and Neogi and a single Tarrasque.
      During this time of tentacles the children were slaughtered and enslaved and warped.
Only the mana of Andermyre and the direct intervention of the Gods kept the children from extinction.
For 6 generations the war raged until the warped children rose up: The Gith turned the tide.
  Salat was in awe of these creatures that came from elsewhere. He experienced rare curiosity and confusion.
After the told and untold times Salat experienced unknowing. The wander-lust of humans rose inside him.
Salat peered into the Wooden Octagon and passed from the dream of Myrid to the realm of nightmares.
With his absence the cleric's of Salat went through The Nerfing, and the congregation became a lost flock.

Chapter 4: The Sinking of Secrets

Without true Divine power the holy churches of Salat devolved into doomsday cults.
Led by the Paladins Templar they dedicated themselves to protecting the 36 divine artifacts.
The relics were split into 4 lots and crusades were executed to find a safe refuge for them.
9 bore into the earth, 9 sunk into the sea, 9 in the jaws of volcanoes and 9 on an island of clouds.
  The arcane wielders stepped up to fill the power vacuum and the colleges took control.
At first they made the citizens safe, but soon realized every person in their domain was a battery of mana.
The Conjurors and Enchantment wielders fought while the Abjurers tried to protect the denizens of Myrid.
The Diviners saw it coming, and sealed themselves, occult secrets, and 8 of the soaked in a hidden vault.
  Foriauna herself created protectors to fight the mages. Select children were given the power of Lycaon.
Lycanthropes appeared all across Salland and they raged against all mages good or evil.
Florana realized she had gone too far and tried to take back her gifts. This drove them mad.
The Conjurers tried to summon their own Lycanthropes, but only managed to make it contagious.
Enchanters tried to control them, but only managed to remove their control over the change.

Chapter 5: An unfortunate Journey

Incantos stepped in and created a 9th college that can tap into pure Andermyre. The Wild Mage.
Wielding Chaos as offenses and defenses the Wild Mages decimated the others and others.
The Mana war was over, and magic became feared and outlawed, and many burned at the stake.
The warriors and rouges rose up and a civilization without magic was created.
  Despite the handicap, the civilization of Dourval thrived and settled all corners of Salland.
The culture was rich with crafts and skills and art, and eventually even the seas were conquered.
The humans decided to explore with the goal of finding the fabled continent of Porland.
Eight of the best ships were commissioned for the Mojust expedition and after much preparation they set sail.
  Who knows what would have happened if Salat was present and paying attention.
As legend says he wasn't.
The Mojust expedition crossed over into Daviotica.
The first foot to fall from the La'dova was human.

Chapter 6: The Elder Gloat and the Banishment of Salat

Salat could feel the suffering of Andermyre and immediately returned to Myrid.
He knew Davion would be waiting for him at Myrid so he took a detour.
Portent held an audience with his All-father.
Salat spoke logos:
I have broken the Pact of Peace.
I will be banished for 3 ages.
I leave Myrid in your protection.
  Portent knew it would be impossible to stop Davion.
But with more Gods they might be able to hold him off for three ages.
He woke Phazon god of balance and worlds.
  Pazon agreed with Portent's plan. He also created.
They would need luck. Kanada woke.
They would need knowledge. Bokfur woke.
They would need weapons. Moredoine woke.
They would need justice. Torum woke.

With Salat gone the Elder Gods and the New,
braced for the onslaught of Davion.

The symbol of Erathis LN
A bowl/brown outside, yellow, red, purple inside
The Mayor
Cities, laws, civilization, ants, halls
The symbol of Intros LE
A coin/gold and silver
The Broker
Money, interest, barter, ravens, banks
The symbol of Incantos CN
Eight arrows/silver and obsidian
The Mysteryman
Magic, mystery, chance, cats, valleys
The symbol of Florana NE
A ring with horns made out of animal parts/green, brown
The Womb
Evolution, food chain, constructs, golems, jungle

The symbol of Phazon N
A thick ring/brown and green
The Wheel
Space, realities, planes
The symbol of Kanada CN
Four tears/light green
The Advantage
Luck, hope, movement, rabbits, falling
The symbol of Bokfur LG
Two Rhombus/Yellow and brown
The Professor
Facts, truth, communion, owls, libraries
The symbol of Moredaine NG
A wooden bar with two thick ends/
Brown bar and media specific ends
The Smith
Crafts, failure, mastering, beaver, forges
The symbol of Torum LN
Two bars/color depending on area of expertise and black
The Judge
Justice, punishment, obedience, cobras, prisons
Book 1: Salat Alone
Book 2: Davion Rising
Book 3: The Makers' Moments
Book 4: The Pact of Peace
Book 5: The Jubilation Celebration
Book 6: The Vast Expansion
Book 7: The Great Catacysm


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