Archer T'Pol Character in Ávra | World Anvil

Archer T'Pol



Archer is shorter than your average Elf, and the longer you look at him, the more you realize he displays more of his Gnomish features than Elven. His ears are what gives away his secondary heritage, long and regal, like those of a Sun Elf. His skin does not shimmer in light as the Elves does, and he is known as "Paste Skin" for this. He has a neatly trimmed beard and moustache, as well as closely cropped hair, simply washed and dried and allowed to land where it feels. His eyes are bright and inquisitive, and his features broad, not sharp and angular like his Elven brethren. He stands around 5'2", in stark contrast to the Elvish average height of 6+ Feet.
  He is usually seen with his Blood Bracers on his wrists, ready to perform his blood alchemy at a moments notice. His caduceus staff not only serves to focus his magics, but also makes a great bludgeoning weapon when need for defense. He is constantly experimenting on his Alchemic processes, so he carries around vials and tools with him wherever he goes. He is also always seen with his medical pouch, full of the tools of his healing trade.
  He has a quick wit, always smirking or smiling, and never lets anyone get him down. He spent the first part of his life being bullied by Elves, who's language has thousands of words to degrade other species, so he has a thick skin. The only one to have broken him as of late is Jennifer Hallowedfeather, whos extreme insistence that he never test the blood of Xiana pushed her to say things that deeply hurt him during an argument on the subject.



Archer was born in one of the greater cities of Ríocht, but as a half Gnome, he suffered what many Pure Elves would call "Physical Disabilities". He was shorter than the average Elf, stocky, and did not share the sharp angular bone structure they all did. He also was afflicted with what the Elven call "Paste Skin", as his skin did not have the natural shimmer that Elven skin has when hit with appropriate stimuli. He did share their long pointed ears and keen eyesight. Due to the constant harassment he and his family received during his childhood, they moved to The Shatterlands, hoping that being such a great distance from most society would afford them some peace.
  From the earliest day he can remember, maybe due to being so helpless as a child, Archer wanted to be a Medical Alchemist. He yearned to help those in need, wanting to bring some good into the world that had treated him so bad. He eventually attended the best schools in Ríocht once he was of age to attend their colleges, and grew quickly among the academic ranks.
  During his final year of study at the great Ríocht Keep for the Healing Arts, he was failed and held back for another year of study. His peers ridiculed him even more than before, and blamed his failure on his mixed blood. Determined to prove everyone wrong, Archer proceeded to attempt his final year again, this time specializing in Hemomancy, the Alchemic magic of blood. Maybe this time due to his unique blood line, he was passed with the highest of marks.
  Despite every medical institution in Ávra being open to him to begin his career in the healing arts, he chose to return home to his village in The Shatterlands to care for his elderly mother. Upon arrival, he found his mother living a peaceful life among the villagers, enjoying her old age. Despite this, she was quite ill and was slowly dying.
  Archer would settle in the village, to ensure his mothers eventual passing was one of peace, and took up residency as the village's Alchemist, working alongside the village healer, Dr. Jennifer. He would also take in a few apprentices to spread his knowledge to others. When Jennifer took in an orphan girl who washed ashore after a particularly bad storm, Archer offered to test the girls blood, to help determine where she was from and what she was (as she was some form of mixed race). Jennifer denied and even forbade him from ever performing the tests, her extreme reaction to his offer driving a small wedge in their once amicable relationship.



Ríocht Keep for the Healing Arts - Alma Matter
Guild of Medical Alchemists - Member


Jennifer Hallowedfeather - Peer and Friend
Xiana York - Friend
Leon the Maledict - Former Apprentice
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Elf/Gnome hybrid
Cropped Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lb.
Aligned Organization


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