Lennon Aisling

Legendary Hero Lennon Tiergrat Aisling

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aisling was a fit man, muscular, but not overly so. He was described as 'hewn from stone', with skin that was 'perfectly kissed by the sun'. His hair was dark and curly, and most depictions show it in a topknot or kept up in some fashion. He is best known for his visage of a fur cape and sparse leather armor. Despite the self agrandizing nature of this description, other related accounts of the author do back up these claims.

Body Features

Aisling had no scars/blemishes to his visage that one would expect from a hero of his many adventures. Even the few accounts of Aisling in his old age do not denote any blemishes to speak of.

Apparel & Accessories

Aisling is most always depicted wearing a flowing cape of fur and leather Pauldrons, with a simple leather loincloth. Other accoutrements are up to the artists depicting him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lennon Aisling is one of the most renowned heroes in the world of Ávra, due to his autobiographical tome of adventures known as The Òran of Siubhal Dàna, one of the oldest surviving manuscripts in Ávra. The Òran recounts Aislings adventures and deeds, from shortly after his birth, up to the last few years of his life. Due to the autobiographical and boastful nature of the text, much of the content is deemed fiction, although, some of it has been substatantiated by alternative texts and records also from the time.   Aisling was born during The Great Migration, in the year 190 PrM. It is unknown what month/day Aisling was born, as records were quite sparse at the time. His parents were Human farmers, who at the time, were still living in the The Shatterlands. The Òran recounts Aislings childhood in great detail, as his claimed heroics began at quite the young age.   The first of these great moments in Aislings life was shortly after his birth, during the traditional Taurinisim celebration of birth, which lasts over the first 3 weeks of a childs life. On the final week of the celebration, Aisling was abducted by a Skinwalker  that had been hiding in the village for some time, biding its time for a new child to feast upon. After having been missing for three days, the story cliams that Aisling walked back into the village holding the hand of the creature, having befriended it in the wilds. This Skinwalker, would feature as a friend and traveling companion of Aislings, in many stories that followed recounting his childhood. Aisling named the Skinwalker Catsbury, and the Òran is the only known written source in the world that has a positive portrayal of a Skinwalker.   Aisling would defeat many creatures that threatened his village during his childhood, as well as befriend the animals and creatures that inhabited the great woods surrounding it. Eventually, Aisling would reach his late teenage year, and venture out into the world to make his fortune. The most detailed of all the stories in the Òran concern this section of Aislings life, from roughly 18-30 years of age. During this period Aisling would travel the world and encounter great monsters, dangerous creatures and even demons. The stories all have a boastful edge to them, and some are even written with song in mind, with scribbled tunes and notes on the pages. These ballads have been enhanced from their sparse notes and some have become well known folk tunes known around the world. It is not unusual to hear the great deeds of Lennon Aisling sung in the halls of pubs around Ávra.   The stories of Aislings life begin to grow farther and farther apart in years, until around aged 60, at which point the Òran picks up again. After semi retirement from adventuring, Aisling is called back into action by the lords of the world to take on a great foe, a giant from 'the north' of what is now the Brittlesword Freestates. His adventures tracking, eventually finding and slaying this giant take up the last 20 years of his life, and most of the last stories within the Òran.   The final years of Aislings life are recounted in the Òran as peaceful, as he finally retires from his grand adventures into what would become the Rivals Monarchy. He takes a wife, and the final pages simply recount the lineage of his family before abruptly cutting off four generations after his death. Although Aislings date of death is not recorded in the Òran, records unearthed in the Monarchy do show a year of death for a "Lennon Aisling, Explorer" as 100 PrM. It is widely assumed this is the same Lennon Aisling who wrote the Òran.   Despite having retired into the Monarchy, the only known original copy of the Òran was found in The Shatterlands, buried in an ancient sepulchre. It was laid to rest in a stone coffin, which shows the signs of having a body laid to rest, but no body or remains were found when the sepulchre was excavated. It is not known if this is where Aisling's body was transported to and laid to rest, or if this was the final resting place of one of his descendants. It is assumed by most historians that the final portion of the Òran is mostly written by his progeny after his death, and cuts off simply due to the Òran being interred.


Aislings sexuality was quite fluid, if the Òran is to be taken as fact. Even if the Òran is complete fiction, Aisling being the author does lead to the conclusion that his sexuality being fluid is indeed factual. His sexual activities are written about, sometimes in great detail, in many of the stories and poems in the Òran. He claims to have had trysts with women and men of many different species. Despite this, Aisling does settle down with a human wife in his final years, and produces a great number of children in the relatively short time span between their engagement and his death.


Aisling had no formal education outside of what his mother taught him on their farm as a child. One of the areas that he is surprisingly quite humble, is his own intelligence. Aisling does not ever claim a genius intellect, and many times is quite self depricating towards his own humble education. Many humerous passages poke fun at his own lack of education causing minor mishaps in his stories. Despite his lack of education, Aisling was an accomplished writer, more than likely self taught, building off of the minor education in writing his mother provided for him.


Aisling grew up as a farmer, and what meager money he was able to save, he used to fund his initial adventures. During his time as an adventurer, he would take many jobs to slay beasts for money. His fame would grow, and his fees increased. By the time Aisling completes his final adventure, his family is quite wealthy, owning many acres of farmland and vineyards.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The accomplishments claimed by Aisling can be found collected in The Òran of Siubhal Dàna

Failures & Embarrassments

There are very few stories in the Òran that recount failures of Aisling's. Although, the ones that do exist, are quite terse in their treatment of the hero. The stories that recount his failures seem to be self chastising, and can come off as quite cruel towards the author.

Morality & Philosophy

Aisling, being both a real man and a literary character, must be divided into the two when discussing his morality and philiosphies. The character of Lennon Aisling is the typical shining beacon of hope, and forever burning torch of morality. Never one to let another suffer, the character of Lennon Aisling is the great hero anyone would wish to aspire to be.   Second to this is the sparse records that exist outside of the Òran, of the real Lennon Aisling. While none of them directly dispute the myth of the man, they do paint a more realisitic picture of a man who drank more than he should have and tended to boast more than he could substantiate, especially in his later years. Some of the only known Journals of Aisling's only daughter recound him as being a cruel drunkard who would turn abusive if anyone were to dispute his tales. Despite this, she does also recount that it was the advancement of years that had taken a toll on his mental health, that were to blame for these actions more than anything else.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

From the very pages of the The Òran of Siubhal Dàna itself, as well as surviving accounts, Aisling was a known drinker and heartbreaker.


Family Ties

It is currently unknown if anyone alive currently has familail ties to Aisling. The Aisling surname does exist, and many will claim relation, but there is little to no proof of such.
Artists rendition of Lennon Aisling
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Date of Birth
Date of Death
190 PrM 100 PrM 90 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born near the front end of The Great Migration
Circumstances of Death
Unknown, only existing proof of his death is official Rivals Monarchy records stating his death. No place of burial or exact date given.
Place of Death
Masculine Presenting
Ice Blue
Thick and tightly curled, usually depicted kept in a topknot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned, yet blemish free skin. Unusual for one with so many dangerous adventures
Assumed around 6 feet
Assumed around 180-220 lbs
Known Languages
Aisling seemed to be fluent in most languages in existence during The Great Migration, as some of the stories within The Òran of Siubhal Dàna were written by Aisling in other languages/he mentiones speaking other languages.


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