Ratfolk Species in Ávra | World Anvil




Keen understanding

Ratfolk are naturally able to negotiate.
Roll d6 for all conversational checks
  • 1-3: Ratfolk is successful in conversational check, yet does pique distrust in the subject. If subject is an NPC, After 2 checks ending in distrust, subject will no longer trust or communicate with Ratfolk. DM will decide outcome if distrust is sowed between players
  • 4-6: Ratfolk is successful in conversational check and piques no concern in the subject

Balanced tail

Ratfolks tail provides perfect balance as they sprint and weave among crowded areas
Out of Battle: Roll d6 for movement effect
  • 1-3, Ratfolk completes movement in an able manner
  • 4-6, Ratfolk completes movement in an astounding manner
In Battle: the Ratfolk is quicker and more agile, but not as stable
  • all movement rolls +2, All attack rolls -1 to counterbalance attack against lack of stability
  • In battle Debuff chance: While at peak speed the Ratfolk can overextend and be knocked off balance and slam into the ground.
  • If the +2 buff causes the total to exceed the dice natural high (ie, roll d6, 5+ would trigger debuff), on next enemy turn all successful incoming attacks +2 damage and end Balanced tail perks for the rest of the battle.

Prehensile Tail

Ratfolk can grasp small weapons in their tail and use them crudely in battle
Roll d6 for success; if successful, Ratfolk gains 1 extra attack with tail held item per turn.
  • 1-3: Ratfolk digs through their pockets and comes up empty, no effect.
  • 4-5: Ratfolk pulls out small kunai and can throw it, single use. +1 damage on successful throw (roll d6 DM Challenge roll)
  • 6: Ratfolk grasps a dagger and can slash with it, usable until end of encounter. Roll as normal attack, deals 2 damage on successful rolls

Basic Information


Ratfolk are a humanoid species that have attributes of common rodents; large ears, pronounced twin front teeth, a whiskered snout, beady black eyes, long furless tails, large, four-toed feet, and fur, in or between black, gray, and light brown, or rarely white.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ratfolk breed like any other mammalian species, and produce litters on average of 3-4 kits

Growth Rate & Stages

Ratfolk will usually live to about 50, but if they're properly taken care of and in good health, they can naturally last to about 80, though this is rare. Due to their accelerated growth rate and relatively shorter lifespans, Ratfolk reach full maturity and are considered 'adults' by 10 years old.


Most Ratfolk are known to be vicious, but those who know Ratfolk personally, know that this is a front put on by them in order to seem more threatening than they really are. Despite their generally disgusting nature, they are caring and attentive parents, raising their kits with devotion and care, doting on them whenever possible well into their adulthoods.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Ratfolk are known to be a disgusting, unclean, and just downright stupid beings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ratfolk names tend to be based around their natural Rat vocalizations. As such, 'traditional' Ratfolk names are relativly shallow pool. It is not uncommon to see Ratfolk with more culturally 'normal' names in the modern era, but 'traditional' naming is still quite popular.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ratfolk are able to breed with most other species, barring a few major examples (such as Frogkind). Ratfolk genes tend to be recessive, and the secondary parents genes will express more apparently than the Ratfolks.
Skmeek the Clean, a Ratfolk Bard
Genetic Ancestor(s)
50 years, although some well taken care of Ratfolk have lived well into their 80's.
Average Height
4-5 feet on average
Average Weight
100-180lbs on average
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
fur colors vary based on region, with Northern dwelling Ratfolk showing much lighter colors of fur, while Southern dwelling Ratfolk tend to have darker fur ranging from muted browns and greys to jet black.


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