Frogkind Species in Ávra | World Anvil




Frogkind can hop faster than running, and are able to dodge and weave faster than most other species,
Roll for chance to escape and counterattack Can only be used when enemy is counterattacking. Must roll higher than opponents original attack roll
  • 1-3 escape counterattack
  • 4-6 escape and counterattack, attack for initial failed attack roll.

Pummel Jump

Special attack involving the Frogkind jumping high in the air and slamming down on an opponent with his powerful legs,
Damage roll for attack of 3 damage. Failure does not allow counterattack from enemy. Frogkind may roll 2xd6 and attempt for 2x6, if successful it is an instant kill on all lower enemies and critical hit on higher class enemies. If failure, frog kind takes +2 damage from force of hitting the ground and misses the attack. Enemy class determined by DM.

Ensnare target

The Frogkind shoots his sticky tongue at the enemy, ensnaring them
Roll d6 for ensnare
  • 1-3 Frogkind smacks the enemy, splattering them with mucous which sticks them in place. Enemy unable to move for 1 turn.
  • 4-6 Frogkind Wraps his tongue around the enemy, gripping them in place and covering them in mucous. Enemy unable to move for as long as Frogkind decides to hold in place. Enemy rolls to break out each turn, must achieve 6 to break free. Frogkind is unable to attack during hold, but is able to make movement rolls. Once enemy breaks free, they are covered in mucous and are slowed for the next 3 turns, -1 to all rolls

Basic Information


Frogkind are on average between 4-5 feet tall, generally lithe and have webbed hands and feet with 3-5 digits. Frogkind express two different morphologies, Toadish and Frogish.   
  • The Toadish morphology has 'warty' bumpy and dry skin with crests running along their eye brows and foreheads. Toadish tend to be larger and more stout in structure, with muscular upper bodies and thick thighs and lithe hips. Toadish also don't tend to have webbed hands, but still possess webbed feet.
  • Frogish morphology is characterized by skinnier builts, longer more powerful legs and moist smooth skin. Frogish also do not possess ridged foreheads/brows, and while not as physically large, are nevertheless the more able jumpers.
  No matter which morphology they are, all Frogkind are able to eject their tongues at astonishing speeds. Their tongue muscles are powerful enough to lift grown men, and Frogkind are not above utilizing them as tools for labor.

Genetics and Reproduction

Frogkind are all pureblooded, as they are unable to procreate with any other species due to their unique method of procreation. While all other Scalelings inseminate internally and then lay eggs, which is conducive to hybridization; Frogkind must inseminated externally, with females laying clutches in homemade nesting pools which the males inseminate, sometimes days after egg laying. A nesting pool is able to keep the females clutch viable for months without insemination, as the eggs are hearty. Frogkind semen is also quite hearty, being able to survive long enough for external insemination in the nesting pool. Due to this unique breeding process, they are not able to be inseminated by other species whose semen simply can not withstand the process. Frogkind are uncomfortably open about their breeding practices as well, hence why its process is so widely known.

Growth Rate & Stages

Frogkind grow fast and then slow down. From fertilization, Frogkind eggs hatch within 30-45 days, producing young tadpoles. The tadpoles grow vestigial appendages within 2-5 days, and resemble 'infant' Frogkind within 1-2 weeks. At this point, the child will physically grow the human equivilant of 2-3 years within 1 year, before the process slows down. Most Frogkind growth rates slow to 'normal' by 5 years of age, at which point they will age like any other species. These accelerated growth periods do not accelerate the Frogkind's intelligence, as a 5 year old Frogkind is mentally equivilent to a 5 year old of most other species.

Ecology and Habitats

Frogkind tend to remove themselves from the world, with the Toadish tending to be the more prevelant morphology present in society at large. They will build great cities and towns within the larger swamps of Ávra, dedicated to the housing and services of their own kind. They are not xenophobic, however, and are a gracious and attentive people. Most, if not all, swamp cities have inns, services and ameneties meant to cater to non Amphibious species as well.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some of the more colorful Frogkind and most Toadish morphological among the species produce a toxin from their glands. This Toxin in small doses produces a euphoric high among some species. Less scrupulous organizations, such as the Radicciolo Crime Family, are known to harvest and sell this toxin as a narcotic. Large enough doses are fatal to any species, so it follows that overdose deaths among addicts is quite high.

Average Intelligence

Frogkind are of average intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Frogkind are able to extend and utlize their tongues as makeshift appendages. These are tightly bundled with nerves, and thus the Frogkind are able to 'sense' the world around them via their tongue to a degree

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

First names tend to be popular world names, while their familial names tend towards natural Frogkind verbalizations and utilize more gutteral intonations. All Frogkind will take the surname of the father who raised them, as it is usually quite impossible to determine who was their biological father due to their unusual mating habits.

Courtship Ideals

Frogkind do not practice partnership in the same way as other species do, either. Their devolution extends to how they view their life and place in the world, and as such, procreation is an act of survival for them, not pleasure. Females court males simply for their genetic viability and will court multiple partners to inseminate the nesting pool, ensuring diversity in the genetic spread of their offspring. There is no emotional attachment to this process, and partnership bonding is completely separate from the mating process.

Relationship Ideals

Bonded Frogkind partners may never even spawn with each other in their entire partnership, and more often will spawn with others. The partnership is more akin to an extremely strong bond of friendship or familial bond. The partners will, however, raise the resulting hatchlings together as if they were the spawning parents, regardless of who the female spawned with. They grow seeing the partnered pair as their mother and father, and have no real knowledge of who their actual genetic fathers are.


Frogkind descend from a small tribe who originally settled early in the edges of The Shatterlands during The Great Migration. Their ancestors were Scalelings of an extremely human nature, only showing their bloodline physically with pouch-like structures under their chins, and having more amphibious hands and feet. As they settled, they slowly adapted more to their new environment and a sort of 'devolution' began to take place. They began to express more frog-like characteristics as the years wore on. Now, Frogkind exhibit frog-like facial features and structures, their hands and feet webbed with bulbous fingers and toes, their legs digitigrade and their skin now shades of green and yellow with a thick mucous-like sheen.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Frogkind tend to keep to themselves, and are one of the few species in Ávra that are not as prevalently intermingled with The People. They mostly live in large populated Swamp Cities peppered around Ávra, though most are in the Shatterlands. They also tend not to involve themselves with the politics of the countries in which they reside.
Swamp City Guard
Genetic Ancestor(s)
60-80 years
Average Height
4-5 feet
Average Weight
100-200 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Frogkind range from subtle earth tones, to varieties of greens and dark blues. Some Frogkind exhibit bright and marvelous colorations and patterns, but these are much rarer colorings


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