Silvergrove Smith's Guild Organization in Ávra | World Anvil

Silvergrove Smith's Guild

An artisan's guild originally for the various smiths of Silvergrove. Despite the town's youth, several smiths came flocking to the work available on site. The guild is led as a council, and the leader is Wayne Deakley, for a few reasons: he was the original smith of the village, as was his grandfather before him, and is largely considered the most skilled of the group, and the original founder was his grandfather, Max. The actual guild hall, rather than being a traditional hall, is a large foundry, working as the largest producer of both Rival's Steel and silver bullion, though the random other ores found in the Silverspire Range are milled as well. There are also multiple smithing faculties to shape the silver and steel on site, and members are free to use them for personal work if they feel their shop is inadequate for a commission or just want company. The guild works as a smith's union to ensure that the smiths of the town are treated fairly and can work uniformly for the best of all of them and to ensure quality of product. The guild buys ore wholesale, and then doles out either the ore or processed bullion to the various smiths at a uniform and fair price, to prevent the mining company from gouging the smiths of the town.   It is frequently visited by non-members, as there is a large area dedicated as a marketplace. Various metal tools, implements, and fineries are frequently on display, and the guild has a few scribes to place special orders. People can also buy the metal bullion, though this is most commonly done as shipping orders to smiths of the guild abroad.   Guild members are not required to actually be within Silvergrove; many are dispersed throughout the Rival's Monarchy, and there are more abroad. The guild has members in each nation, though the lowest membership is in Dunnywild. Membership does require a one-year internship at the guild, and as such, the guild has some room and board on site for trainees and a minor, but well-equipped company of security to deter thieves.   The most notable achievement of the guild is metal casting; while most smiths would be stuck with hammer forging, the guild's prominence and ingenuity of it's members and friends has developed robust casting apparatuses, though they're mostly used for the internal bullion process. This has allowed the guild to process the nearly excessive amount of ore the mining company provides seamlessly, though most of the products available are still hammer forged for the durability and precision. The cheaper products the guild produces are cast, though, as they realize that an economical option is preferable for many.   Overall, this has led to a significant and well-established reputation to the guild, and the "SSG" stamp has become synonymous with quality and equity. Hammer forged products have a different stamp than those cast, as a form of litmus test for the greater world market. Those purchasing can rest assured they have a fine product, and should the need arise, get more. Each guild member has a unique variation to surround the stamp itself, both as a display of skill and means of identification.   The guild is prominently lead by it's Guildmaster, Wayne Deakley, and his grandson, Waxillium Dachek.


Metals of all kinds, primarily Rivals Steel and silver
Any and all equipment smithed from said metals

Nothing finer

Guild, Craftsmen
Training Level
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