Tidus Ectorius

Tidus Ectorius

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing tall, yet slightly hunched at six foot, Tidus Ectorius may not be the biggest or beefiest being, but he gives off a certain overwhelming aura.

Body Features

Being a mix of Turtle kin and Dragonfolk Tidus has more of a resemblance of his father than his mother.   Along his wrists and knuckles as well as his clawed, three toed feet have the same tough scales. There is a faint tint of red encircling each scale, almost like seeing the faint embers of a fire. The rest of his body is covered in the same rough, leathery, dark green skin as his head. One of the few things he got from his mother's side is his big brown shell on his back. While it does offer protection like the scales on his body, it is still a part of him and can be vulnerable to some attacks. Unlike his mother and other Turtle kin, Tidus cannot retreat into his shell for protection due to his bulkiness and Dragon folk heritage.

Facial Features

medium sized, bony, draconic beak. The rest of his head is a mostly rough, leathery dark green skin. Leading down the back of his head to his neck are stone grey, rigid scales. Leading down the front of neck down towards chest and abdomen are smooth, yet tough, stone grey scales.

Physical quirks

Tidus has a noticable hunch to his stance, due to his unique biology as a Turtlekin/Dragonfolk hybrid.

Apparel & Accessories

Wrapped around his shoulder and torso is a leather belt to hold items, as well as a sharp, bone-spiked pauldron on his right shoulder. On his left forearm and along his knuckles is a spiked gauntlet. Attached to his left hip is a small satchel for the basic items; on his right, is a small dagger used for miscellaneous use. As to not show off his "goods" Tidus wears simple cloth pants with a red cloth belt tied around his waist. When not in use, Tidus stores his great war hammer to a strap that has been attached to the back of his shell which gives him straighter posture when walking as the weight of the hammer pulls his shell back allowing him to not be slightly hunched over.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was it love at first sight? Perhaps it was forced. No one could exactly say what brought Tidus' parents together. Tidus' father, Tiberius Ectorius, was a member of the queen's guard to Arabella Sabine Crystalwind XVI. Although being a brawny stout Dragonfolk helped, he was given the honor of queen's guard due to his extensive battle experience. As queen's guard, he was in company to her on her tour to identify and retrieve the next princess for her children, the Twin Kings Fortuna and Folsted. He was also present when the girl Dimura Brickenden, was chosen by Queen Arabella to become Primabella Dimura Silvergrove XVII, the Princess and Queen successor of The Rivals Monarchy. Aurora Ectorius was the mother of Tidus. When Aurora and Tiberius married they sold both of there homes to buy a new one for their new family. Tiberius would be away for weeks or months at a time for work and Aurora would stay home and tend to the house and the many gardens. Aurora also had a small job as a pickler at Branston's Pickles.   When Tidus was born he was a difficult and brash child, possibly from the dragonfolk blood in him. Growing up Tidus helped his mother and relatives around the house. Tidus was taught to read and write by his elder relatives and when his mother was home they would tend the garden together. At night when everyone was ready for sleep, because Tidus could not fit into his shell like the rest of his relatives, Tidus would typically be at the bottom of the turtle sleep pile. Every couple weeks or so Tiberius would come home from protecting the queen. These were the days that would make Tidus the happiest as he didn’t get to see his father as much as his other family. When Tidus turned twelve his father slowly started to teach him how to fight; starting with sticks, to fists, to heavier weaponry. Aurora was unfortunately was not a fan, and stopped them whenever she saw them training; Tiberius then trained him in secret, but they were caught a few times. Over the years Tidus grew to love pickles. Fresh pickles, dill pickles, sour pickles, sweet pickles, pickled items, everything pickled. With a growing interest in pickles, Tidus decided to read through old cookbooks and family recipes and practice the culinary arts. On his fifteenth birthday, Tidus's body began to change. Their was a rumbling in his gut and what he first thought was acid reflux; a black, almost oily substance came out of his throat, and with a small burp sputtered out a small flame. Freaking out, he went to his father and explained what happened. Tiberius looked at Tidus, and without hesitation, spewed flames much greater than Tidus. Tidus was in awe, especially knowing what he could one day do. Tidus continued honing his fighting, cooking, farming, pickling, and flames for the next five years.   Now twenty years old, Tidus has become almost bored with his peaceful life. He would always hear stories from his father about the queens guard and other areas of the Rivals Monarchy. Occasionally he would see a group of roaming travelers and adventurers pass through Branston's Field. Tidus was ready to see more of the world and to make a name for himself. His mother, however, was not to keen on letting her child go on crazy and possibly dangerous adventures. His father, however, was glad that Tidus was growing up and was ready to do more in life. This caused strife between the two parents for many weeks. One day while in Branston's Field, Tidus saw a group of wandering travelers. They didn’t look like the usual type of people roaming through Branston's Field; Two scruffy, hooded humans, a short, rugged-looking goblin, and a small fluffy rat, all of which were obviously carrying an assortment of weaponry. Curious on why and what they were doing in a place like this, Tidus trailed slightly behind them and listened in on them. All Tidus could make out was that they were close to the job location on the outskirts of Branston's Field. Eager, Tidus rushed toward them and asked if he could join the group. Startled, one of the humans looked Tidus up and down; looking at the large half dragon half turtle. Thinking they could use some muscle, they let Tidus join the group. Tidus was given a shortsword, for that is all they could spare. Without looking back, Tidus journeyed with the group East outside Branston's Field.   Now quite some time has passed on their journey, Tidus had become more curious about this "job". Tidus begun asking many questions to the now rugged looking group. Ticked off by all the questions, the only answer they would give was that their target was a group of "thugs" who were riding in a stagecoach, with maybe one or two guards. They were getting paid to take out these thugs and "reclaim" any loot that they may have "stolen". Tidus was skeptical, but eager to help out. He wasn't really of killing anything without a purpose and figured the swords were more just for show or protection. The stomping of hooves could be heard close on the cobbled road ahead. The group quickly got into position along the edge of the dirt road behind trees and bushes. Coming into view, Tidus could see two men on horseback pulling a smaller than normal coach behind them, as well as a man behind the coach. Tidus noticed the men didn’t look like thugs or bandits, but more like guardsmen to the Rivals Monarchy. Before Tidus could react, the rat in group jumps straight in front of the horses, causing them to rear up and knock the men off. The other two men in the group leap from the bushes, swords drawn. All three jump on top of the downed guards. The guard from behind the coach jumped off his horse and ran to the front, sword drawn. Tidus was now stood behind his group of companions and watched them mercilessly stab the two front guards. Completely shocked, Tidus wasn’t sure what to do. As the three members stood up, now soaked in blood, they stared menacingly at the last guard who was seen trembling at the sight of the three murderous villains. Tidus was done. He could no longer stand sitting idly by as they murdered these people. Without thinking, Tidus threw his body onto one of the men. As he did this, the last guard decided to help and attacked the other man. The battle was bloody. Tidus came out the only one alive and victorious. Tidus, now covered in cuts and losing blood, blacked out.   When Tidus awoke it was midnight. The smell of smoke and light of a fire was nearby. A strange cat wearing clothes and writing in a book could be seen by the fire. Tidus noticed that someone had bandaged him up. Pat the Cat introduced himself and thanked Tidus for helping him take care of the bandits. Tidus also introduced himself and explained how he got there and also apologized. The two spent the night conversing about their lives with Pat giving great insight on what Tidus should do with his life. The two departed together the next morning to Tidus hometown in Branston's Field. Returning home, Tidus parents were relieved that their son was home and Tiberius was more surprised with whom Tidus was traveling with. While Tidus's mother scolded him, Tiberius and Pat talked separately. Without much warning, Pat the Cat walked out the door and was on his way. Tiberius had agreed to train his son and Pat agreed to put in a good word for Tidus to the queen. With new found determination, Tidus's new quest in life was to one day become a member of the Queen's Guard like his father before him. After several years his father gifted him his familial war hammer that had been passed through many generations for his travels.


Extensive education in the Pickling arts and more recent education from his father in the arts of combat and arms.


Pickler for the Branston Pickle  company


Religious Views

Like most of The People who reside in Rivals Monarchy, Tidus was raised in The Church of the Twin Gods, and holds belief in Brandish and Fell and The Scripture of the Divine Duality. How deeply he holds these beliefs is yet to be seen.

"Courage, to me, is doing something daring, no matter how afraid, insecure, intimidated, alone, unworthy, incapable, ridiculed or whatever other paralyzing emotion you might feel. Courage is taking action….no matter what. So you're afraid? Be afraid. Be scared silly to the point you're trembling and nauseous, but do it anyway!"~Tidus' Father to Tidus

Tidus Ectorius wields his War Hammer
Lawful Good
Current Status
Perfecting Pickles
Current Location
Year of Birth
1999 PoM 24 Years old
Draconic Ember Red and Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green leathery skin, stone grey scales with red pigmentation evoking embers in a fire
200 lbs


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