Dawn Guard

When chosen by the Primordial God of Fire - AKA the Sun God, one is generally referred to as a Dawn Guard.


1. Blessing of the Sun God  2. Having come of age 3. Being deemed competent in at least 2 combat diciplines and/or having proficiency in a particular field or trade.


Persons with this title are generally regarded as low to mid-level nobility and are usually allowed in and out of most regions with very little, if any, difficulty.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

This title can be removed if the Blessing of the Sun God is lost for any reason.   Reasons may include: Birth - The blessing is passed to the child at birth Forced removal - the blessing is removed as a punitive measure

Cultural Significance

Those who have this title are generally regarded on the same rank as a noble or knight depending on region. As those with this rank are effectively chosen by divine ordinance, they are well received, with the exception of certain areas or families that have an aversion to the included elemental affinities, or are against fighting in general.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Very much on the decline. Not many know of this title anymore, and fewer know of its perks and detriments
Form of Address
Sir or Lady, depending on gender
Alternative Naming
Length of Term
This title applies for as long as the person has the Blessing of the Sun God
Current Holders


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