
The motivation behind building [INZENTIA]

INZENTIA is a project I have been working on since 2008. It has kept me company during very difficult times and the characters in it mean a world to me - same as the lore that I pour my very heart into. Over the years INZ became so huge, and so vivid, that I could not proceed with my original decision to write a book series from it. When my friendcircle got me into Pen&Paper, I my heart caught fire for this type of playing together and exploring a world/story alongside my best friends. And with this, the idea was set in stone - INZENTIA will one day be an exploreable world for all of you.

The goal of the project

My idea is, to make INZENTIA accessable as a world to play in. You can either grab my rulebook and my stories, and discover my world alongside your players - or you can homebrew, spice it up with elements from other games, and bring your own touch to it. Either way, my deepest wish is it, to one day be able to provide this project to everyone out there, grow it even bigger and give everyone the chance to breathe a bit of the air, that my planet has to offer.

[INZENTIA]'s Unique Selling point

In my world, I want to do things a bit differently (which is probably what all creators say, don't we? :'D) and play around with with ideas, fueld with fantasy, my heart and my mind, my joy and my sorrow. If you walk the paths on Avus Kitaru, you will find yourself in a very troubled and dark world - which relates to my own past. But now is the time that I want to give back the comfort that games and books with their stories gave to me, and give it to you. See the heros I have forged, feel the struggles I have felt, and get inspired as deeply, as that it will rise your heart even outside of it. The topics in my world are everything, from lighthearted to the depths of ones darkest places - same as life.   This project is forged with passion and it would mean a world to me, if you would give it a bit of your precious time.



The moment you walk your firsts paths on Avus Kitaru, you will find yourself on its upper side - Saigon. You will encounter a medieval like setting paired with golemantic technology (magic x technology)) in different areas of the continent - but you will also find yourself confronted with magic as vivid that the air feels as if it's struck with electricity. Truth be told, most of the areas will feel like advanced medieval - but be cautious about the most important rule on Avus Kitaru:   Everything comes with a price.

Reader Experience

Saigon (the upper start side on Avus Kitaru) is wild. You have 15+ countries, all of them are feared for certain aspects, but most of them are worth the travel and troubles. Okay, except Aistírecam. Nothing good comes from Aistírecam! (Rule number 2, you know?) You will have to face a reality in which humanity is not the peak-alpha-species, but has to share their living place with many other intelligent species, as well as bestias (monsters) ranking from "no trouble" to "raid boss sized problem". And you will have to decide whether to deal with these ordeals, or not. Politics, especially geopolitics, are critical, and the species you belong to may be your golden ticket in getting away with things, or the hanging sword of Damocles above your head.

Reader Tone

As mentioned above, Saigon has it all. Mirona (the bottom side of Avus Kitaru) is a different situation. The overall feeling would be like The Witcher, Vikings,...with plenty of sparks from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Where there is light, there must also be shadow, and INZENTIA is all about a world drifting into darkness, that only can be enlighted by the fire everyone holds in their heart.

Recurring Themes

You have small conflicts between clans about opinions; you got big conflicts between kingdoms about resources, and you got entire regions that are rubbing horns. Yet, when Nirox enters the stage, there will only be two options: 1. You manage to establish peace and unity between the different parties and stop Nirox. or 2. You fail to do so, and the planet will ultimately die.   It's all or nothing.

Character Agency

Well, as surprising as that may come to you - you need to take part in saving this wonderful world. But it might now come in the way you expect it to be. Your character can develope into a very skilled and powerful identity - but you will have to pay the price for that.


These next 3 sections do NOT include spoilers. You are welcome to read them - even though I am struggling here not to tell you what is about to come.  
Beastias, are monsters that are intelligent and not only driven on pure evil, as you might expect from the term monster - yet they are a lot more intelligent then beasts. A classic example of a beast would be a bear. No offense, all our animals on planet Earth are loved by me - yet bestias have the intelligence power up, the magical potential buff, and the character add-on. These creatures roam the world, and often times they get in conflict with either the humanoids or each other. As a hunter, it will be your duty to solve these situations, one way or another.

Politics and Geopolitics:
  Yes, we are all are annoyed by politics and politicians - but to be fair, the moment someone has to organize a clan or a kingdom, it is basically that. Especially when they need to jiggle things with other clans or kingdoms. And boy, oh boy, do the 15+ kingdoms of Saigon not like each other. It might be because of the way they were created, but that is for another day.

I want to write things in here, but it is too early...please come back when time is right. ♥

Bestias, shapeshifting and Religion:
Do you think roaming bestias might be a problem? Okay, now add humanoids who can swap their body with a "morph" to become a beast, and sprinkle it with what I would call the "hunt for the holy grail of beast morphs" and an organization that would let the crusaders and the Spanish inquisition appear pale, standing right next to them.


The North Front Conflict:

It is common sense that not all folks are doing well together or as neighbors - but something absolutely must be in the waters in the north of Saigon! The two kingdoms, Bagjosa and Magjoci are something different when it comes to their conflicts. On the west side - in Bagjosa, you have the different sub-areas of the canine clans, such as the Balatheons. On the other side, divided by a non-existing little borderline that both kingdoms fight about at any given situation, you have the feline clans such as the Hazaouwl. This folk of nomads, feisty warriors and shamans, is not bowing down to some privileged knights and nobles of the Bagjosa kingdom. Rumors have it that they once had peace, until a certain someone, dropped a certain relict on the floor, and unleashed a certain weather catastrophe which is still raging to this day. The life circumstances of both kingdoms dropped as deep, as both sides normally should refrain from fighting each other, due to the lack of surviving people - but it is as it is, when leaders are taking personal affront by the mere existence of their opponent. For the glory of their ancestors!

Conflict of the Sky-Realms:
On Saigon you have different religions, as there would be:
  • Chronologists of the Moons
  • Chaser of the Suns
  • Chorus of the Stars
  • Children of the Starless Nights

Needless to say, all of their focus points are in entirely different stages of the sky. Many people from outside do not understand why exactly these sub-religions are rubbing horns for centuries, but no matter who you ask inside their circles - they have nothing but the worst of words for their original brothers and sisters in prayer. While the Chorus of the stars is a very kind and maybe might even call them shy and isolated, the two big parties of sun and moon are nothing but gigantic forces that also hold a very significant amount of power when it comes to politics and geopolitics. Only on one thing all 3 of the named one are on one page about: Their hatred for the Children of the Starless Nights - and if you want to read more about them, their black inked faces and black-inked eyes and how they managed to stun entire kingdoms in fear, while they are the smallest of all groups...you absolutely need to stay and subscribe to my WA! ;)

There are more conflicts for sure, but I don't want to spoiler everything in here - so stay tuned and roam the wiki for more! :D