
The History of [INZENTIA] so far

The Fall of Potora No' Dhum:
One land that you should avoid for sure. A kingdom, once full of glory, invention, and a good life for all of its people. Until one day, the great king Aratros the 6th fell ill to his madness. His sheer greed and hang to violence made him blind for the needs of his people. And the people of a befriended kingdom, Guro-Umin, which seeked shelter at his fortress. Ignoring the pain and the disease that was spreading - mostly due to the starvation that the people suffered in front of the closed city gates - the people of Rohra'Dan came together and revolted against their king. Instead of giving in, or stepping back, Aratros decided to take every raised fist against him as a personal insult, causing the feared fire weaver to lose his mind and burn down the city of Rohra'Dan in a single night.

Current Species & Cultures

The Fall of Potora No' Dhum:
People still avoid this city, because of the screams you can hear when you get close - or may the gods have mercy on your poor soul - enter the city. The legends about the workers in the tunnels below the city are still living and thriving to this day.

Needs & Relations

The Fall of Potora No' Dhum:
Not much to say about what the folks of Rohra'Dan might need - but for sure the few souls who are living at Potora No'Dhum, volunteerly, are outcasts and those who need to hide things, knowing that nobody would search them here.