
The Laws of [INZENTIA]

Take a look at the wonderful planet you will walk on and can see a gigantic crystal wall dividing the planet in half. The Halorbis-Wall is not only pretty, but pretty deadly as well. The folks on both sides know about the effects, but not why they are there or what exactly causes their problems. At least, it depends a lot on who you ask about it! In Melandria you might be able to find more knowledge, but brace yourself and expect everything on your journey to find out about what exactly Melandria is.


How the planet came to be is wildly speculated among the different cultures and religions - yet a few extraordinary characters (and readers of this WA) know about the AO. The creature that was born in the star forging mists, in the form of a giant whale made from rocks, metals and crystals. They know that the AO is sleeping below the crust of its planet-body and that the health of the planet is connected to the energy the AO gives every living creature and plant - and that energy needs to come back to it eventually. Problems arise when this energy gets corrupted and "dirty".

Principal Geography & Features

Special feature about Avus Kitarus landscape? A gigantic wall made from a crystalline substance that divides the planet into half - while the entire surface is spiked with smaller crystal formations, ranging from mountain size to bigger rock formations. I would say that counts as a "geographical anomaly".

Initial Active Setting

The main starting point for players will be around the BlackBestia-Headquarter, which is in the middle-north of Saigon. The entire continent is disconnected from the bottom side of the planet, which is called Mirona. You will have plenty of work to do, before you get there - but I can promise you, you will need to get there, and neither the reason why, nor the way to Mirona will be a nice thing. So pack your best boots and gear, write your testament - and pray that you will beat what my world is throwing at you, else the last paper written and signed by you, might never get read, hehehehehehe. // I am sorry, sometimes it gets me.