Last Hope

The Last Hope, a dreadnought-class capital ship, was a junker the "Traitors" found during Episode 1: On Our Own.  A trash heap of ship that was easily secured by the Traitors because the Clone Troopers and surviving Naval personnel had been limping through hyperspace on a damn-near-crippled x18 back-up Hyperdrive and a damaged Navicomputer. The Order 66 broadcast, the Proclamation of the Empire, all of it had been thoroughly missed by these poor guys.

It wasn't until after the argument in Episode 8: NO, Killing is ALWAYS bad! when all of the 3000 Clones, as well as the majority of the crew, left the ship that the old war-horse had been mostly repaired and somewhat restocked. The last of the Veterans took the shuttles and small Republic starships and went their own way before the Traitors became occupied with Part I, Part II, and Part III of the Friends Like These Episodes.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Omvro has space for twelve Silhouette 3 Starships in it's dedicated Hangar Bay.
Complement / Crew
9,000 to 16,000 Officers, Pilots, and Crew depending on configuration.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
3,000 Troops and 7,500 Encumbrance


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