Moonbeam Dynamics Organization in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Moonbeam Dynamics

This subsidiary of Moonbeam Manufacturing is the focusing on research of developments for new products, tools and systems for it's parent company.   The company is known for opening short-lived research compounds in remote areas dedicated to a single research product and shutting down after the project has concluded—these projects after often further separated into smaller individual cells that share information only via designated coordinators. Information on any given project is purely shared on a need-to-know basis.   There are very few employees permanently employed within the company itself, which makes it by a wide margin one of the smallest companies under the Moonbeam Manufacturing umbrella. Most people involved in the projects are often merely hired as contractors and immediately dropped after a project has been concluded - often without any prior warning. Former contributors to projects of Moonbeam Dynamics often find them self struggling to find other employment in the near vicinity (or even the same planet), due to restrictive non disclosure agreements and fear of angering Moonbeam Manufacturing.  


Many investigations have been launched into the content and practices of the projects of Moonbeam Dynamics but have rarely led to any results. By the time any investigation made any progress through the red tape of corporate bureaucracy, any potential project had already been shut down and moved to a different location. As such rumors run amok about the precise nature of the kind of research that is conducted by Moonbeam Dynamics.
Alternative Names
Moonbeam R&D, Moonbeam Research, Moonbeam Future Technologies, Moonbeam Academia
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


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