Moonbeam Manufacturing Organization in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Moonbeam Manufacturing


The company is by it's charter intrinsicly tight to the Moonbeam noble house. The the head of the house will at all times be the CEO of the organisation.

Public Agenda

Moonbeam Manufacturing is selling a wide variety of products to a wide variety of markets. The publicly lesser known jet vastly larger part of the company consists of various subsidiaries that produce components for the products of other cooperation. As such Moonbeam Manufacturing and it's subsidiaries are heavy integrated in a complex net of supply chains for almost every industry imaginable. Moonbeam Manufacturing takes pride in providing good working conditions that are already way ahead of the regulations effort of the Clockwork Federation.


Moonbeam Manufacturing and it's subsidiaries own countless factories with a vast workforce. Most of their assets are concentrated in the Artaros system.


Moonbeam Manufacturing was founded by Valrian Moonbeam in 1324 as part of a first wave of corporations that sprung up all over the The Triumvirate around this time. The company originally focused on a few single product lines that catered to an emerging middle class and their needs. The company was profitable and had stable growth in those first years. Yet, due to the rather cautious attitude of its founder, the company failed to make the big leaps that its competitors managed to make.   After the mysterious and sudden death of Valrian Moonbeam, the company was taken over by his daughter Ish'la Moonbeam. Seeing the writing on the wall Ish'la Moonbeam shifted to focus of company towards weapon production. This shift put the company in a prime position during the start of the The Great Pirate War. During this time, the company saw enormous growth.   Control of the company was assumed by Benjamin Moonbeam after the tragic death of his mother in the last battle of the The Great Pirate War. Having inherited the same sense of societal shift, Benjamin Moonbeam has since once again dramatically shifted the course of the company. He abandoned all military contracts - at least publicly - and used the newfound position Moonbeam Manufacturing already had during the war to heavily integrate them into the production chains of other Corporations as a supplier. As part of this shift, the company also embraced a much more liberal image, making vast donations to various religious organizations and publicly advocating for the responsibility of Corporation leaders towards their employees.
Founding Date
Corporation, Manufacturing
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


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