|A| The Dark Powers

The Dark Powers hunger for you...

The Amber Temple

While in the Town of Vallaki, the Guardians of the Horizon discovered Kasimir Velikov, an elder Dusk Elf, who told them of the terrible history of Barovia.
Long, long ago, the Raven Queen sought the memories of the old gods, the power that were long before creation. She sent her agents to collect them, finding only their ethereal vestiges. In what would become Barovia, the Raven Queen had her Shadar Kai combine these echoes and cast them in amber. As her collection grew so did their power and by the time she and her agents realized how strong the Dark Powers had become, it was already too late to stem their corruption. Still, the Raven Queen did not have her experiment destroyed. Instead she had her faithful fashion her temple into a prison and charged them with protecting the world outside from the dark tendrils of her shadow. Over ages still the Dark Powers twisted and corrupted its keepers, transforming the Amber Temple into a fortress and pushing the remaining faithful into the valley below. Those who were too far corrupted were killed and kept in the catacombs beneath the valley, and those that still lived worked in secret to keep the innocent people of Barovia from becoming consumed with madness. However, the minds of men were simple for the Dark Powers and a chain of warlords brought the valley into millennia of chaos, until Strahd von Zarowich conquered them that is.
He also shared that his sister's spirit is being used to torment him in his dreams and that to silence them we intends to travel to the Amber Temple and that he's willing to escort the Guardians there after taking some time to prepare.

Tenebrous Pacts

The Guardians of the Horizon themselves have begun their journey down a dark path. They exchange that which they will miss the most for fleeting glimpses of power. Perhaps they will be the first to brave the shadows and taste true freedom.
  Charlemagne carries 1 point of corruption.
Ocarin Stonehollow remains uncorrupted.
Vorthos D'Artagnan carries 5 point of corruption.
Warren Peace carries 1 point of corruption.