|C| Saint Andral's Bones

A terrible creature has attacked the town church. The Baron seems he would rather blame the new adventerers in town rather than deal with theif. How will the Guardians clear their names?


The Guardians of the Horizon mostly accepted the warrent for their arrest - Vorthos snuck away, intent on breaking his party out of jail.
In jail, the Guardians found the members of Dissonant Lyric. The band members clued the Guardians into the general machinations of the town, as well as their personal inspirations, the Harpers who visited the town 13 years ago.
The bandmates helped the Guardians of the Horizon escape, revealing that they were only vonlunaritly held in their cells and regularly escape the jail.
The Guardians of the Horizon then investigated Saint Andral's Church for evidence of who attacked the church.
The Guardians of the Horizon learned that the Saint Andral's Church was attacked by a direwolf, which was only possible with the sacred bones of Saint Andral having been stolen just earlier that week.
The Guardians of the Horizon tracked the bones to the local Coffin Maker's Shop. The owner, Henrik van der Voort, had been forced to steal the bones by the vampire spawn who had taken up residence in his shop.


The Guardians of the Horizon defeated the vampires and cleared their names.