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Faith of the Aman

The Dominant Faith of the Realms of Man, Dwarf & Aelves

The Faith of the Aman is the dominant religion held in the realms of Man, Dwarf & Aelves. While polytheistic, it is not uncommon for different cities or holds to worship one among the Aman, more than any other. The Aman are the dieties of the Faith and have been known to visit civilization to occasionally perform miracles.

For the realms of man, it is Aman'Yok, The God of Binding whose status as creator, and the icon through which all life is believed to be bound enshrines him above all. Among the Dwarves and Aelves, Aman'Origan, Weaver of Fates whose commands over fate changed the course of their cultures forever.

Orders of the Faith

The Holy Order of The Protectorate

The Crestfallen Protectors of the Aman, since the felling of Aman'Yok, the protectorate have devoted much of their order towards guarding the Shrine of Aman'Yok and holding back the spreading corruption that emanates from the shrine.

The Order of Open Palms

The brothers & sisters of the Order of Open Palms travel from village to village offering healing services to the ill, funeral rites to the dying and alms for whoever is in need.

The Sworn Knights of the Edict

The enforcers of the faith's diktat

The Interpreters of Udron

The Members of the Interpreters of Udron act as impartial legal interpreters who do not travel from town to town, but have a presence in the chapels of most cities where the faith holds a majority. The members are almost always made up of local faithful who know the laws well and act within accordance with the ruling decrees. In spite of this, there have been occasions where there has been complications where a truly unjust Adjudicator might preside.

The End Times Heralds

Preachers of the End Times, those that spread word of the edict to all those who would hear it.

The Mendicants of the Aman

A long discontinued order, in the early years of th faith, before they had reached their zenith, The Mendicants of the Aman were an order dedicated towards the collecting of coin for the faith.

Mythology & Lore

The Death of Aman'Yok

Prophecy of the Life Unravelling
The Year's End Edict


Worship of Aman'Yok

Unlike the other two of the Aman, Aman'Yok, The God of Binding does not make demands of worship of their followers, only that they should cherish the life they bestowed upon them.

Worship of Aman'Origan

The Fateweaver demands worship

Worship of Aman'Udros

The Orderbringer demands worship
A Preacher of the Faith
A lay preacher of the Faith of the Aman delivering a sermon outside of the city of Old Rudora


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