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The First Outbreak of The Plague of The Green Inferno

Plague / Epidemic


Originating in the Empire of Qeyte'Piqan, in 798, the first outbreak of the Plague of The Green Inferno was observed in the villages facing the continental interior before spreading along trade routes to the coastal cities. For the Empire, trade with the settlments was rare, however contact between the empire's merchant caravans and the trade depot of Last Clearings were frequent enough where, in 801, the disease first was noted by apothecaries and medicine men of New Khirina and Vobralbiz.
The settlements found themselves ill equipped to handle the mounting death toll of the disease and soon missives to Irinoff were sent out, requesting additional provisions and aid. In cruel irony, the very convoy sent to request aid, would also deliver the disease to Irinoff itself. First hitting the capital seat of Great Irinoff early in 802 and spreading to Sankstkrat and neighboring Enekland later in that year. The outbreak in Khirina would be significantly less of a problem owing to the increased resources they had access to, and the remote nature of most Irinoff cities








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