Azurite Archive Member

The Azurite Archives are the center of Thassalophon in every sense of the word. Located in the middle of the city and overshadowing every other building by no small margin, The Archives are by some estimates the largest collection of knowledge in the world.
The Azurite Archives however are more than just a library, an organization that at least according to what they say is dedicated to the safeguarding and preservation of knowledge through the ages. They do so through a variety of means, the most well known being through diplomacy.
Most rulers in the wider Hominid world and even some beyond have at least one advisor that was trained in The Archives, and it is through them that they exert most of their influence. Advising rulers can often make the difference between a place of learning being destroyed or spared during war, and convincing them to divert resources to archaeological digs and funding special investigations are one of the most common ways in which The Azurite Archives stock up their evergrowing font of knowledge. Members of The Archives that specialize in this are known as Milias, “The Word Wielders”.
Another specialization for those more interested in the thrill of adventure and exploration are the Elleon, “The Seekers”. They are the “field agents” of The Archives, and it is them who delve into ancient ruins and hidden fonts of knowledge directly. A dangerous mission, but all the more rewarding for those that actually chose this line of work.
Third there are the Dikasti, or “The Keepers”. They specialize in preserving knowledge in a more direct way, by collecting discoveries into tomes, maintaining old texts and teaching novices. They are essentially trained conservators and librarians, mostly working in The Azurite Archives themselves, under people that can afford a large enough library to warrant employing a Keeper (which usually means Rulers or exceptionally wealthy court mages), or as private tutors to those that can afford it.
  When creating an Azurite Archive Member character, consider your role within this vast organization. Were you drawn to the Archives out of a thirst for knowledge, due to a chance encounter with one of its members, or did they perhaps seek you out?
Consider your relationship with the Archives themselves. They are a vast, powerful institution, but they are not without their internal politics and hidden agendas. How do you navigate these complex webs of influence? Are you a staunch believer in the Archives' mission, or do you question some of their methods? Do you have any colleagues or mentors you regularly communicate with, or are you more of a lone operative?   Ability Scores: dependent on specialization.
Feat: An Origin Feat that makes sense for your specialization.
Skill Proficiencies: dependent on specialization.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: You gain a total of 2 language or tool proficiencies.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Air of Expertise
The Azurite Archives are a well-known organization among high society pretty much all over Kashura. As a member, you have a much easier time getting audiences with powerful people, and they are much more likely to consider your opinions and words at least as meaningful, if not truthful. Like all full members of the Archives you possess the Black Raven Wing, which serves as proof of your identity, and helps members identify each other in the field.    

Archive Specializations:

Milias: You specialize in diplomacy and courty intrigue, representing the interests and agenda's of The Archives in foreign lands.
Gain a +1 Bonus to INT, WIS or CHA, as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Persuasion, Religion.   Elleon: You specialize in field work, exploring ancient ruins and recovering rare tomes to grow the Archives' collection of knowledge.
Gain a +1 Bonus to DEX, INT or WIS as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Surivival, Stealth.   Dikasti: You specialize in teaching, copying and preserving old texts, ensuring that knowledge is not lost, but kept available and remembered for generations to come.
Gain a +1 Bonus to INT, WIS or CHA, as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Persuasion, Religion.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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