
Thassalophon broke free from Adrastealos only months after the great secessionist war between Keopsys and its former liege, which left both of its participants crippled.
Despite its comparatively diminutive size and population, Thassalophon has managed to establish itself as a pillar of learning for mages, diplomats and rulers in the wider hominid world and beyond. Many great rulers of times past, present and future have studied in The Azurite Archives, the greatest and one of the only schools dedicated to the study of Arcane Magic in the world, among other things. Diplomats, court mages and advisors affiliated with Thassalophon can be found in almost every court from Arasinda to Tirel, and to a lesser degree even beyond.
Rumors claim that The Archives and its Magi have guided the fate of the world from the shadows for the past 1000 years and possibly beyond, and that nothing in the world happens without their knowledge and say-so. Whether or not one believes them though, it is a matter of fact that Thassalophon punches well above its weight on the world stage.    


Thassalophon is located on an island in the mouth of The White River and nestled into The Daedalos Forest. Beyond that it holds dominion over several smaller towns and villages inside said forest, though its territorial claims do not reach far.    


In the times before its independence, Thassalophon was an Oligarchy governed by The Ennead, “The Council of Nine” a small number of individuals from various walks of life that were elected and held their positions for life or until retirement. It was said that even back then though true power resided within the hands of The Archives and the clergy of Arcana.
Since it gained its independence though all pretenses have been dropped, and Thassalophon has been thoroughly and unquestionably in the hands of The Azurite Archives ever since.
The current Headmistress of The Archives, Grand Magi Galatea Uriella Diagora also just happens to be The High Priestess of Arcana, uncommon, though not unheard of.    


Thassalophon was originally founded back during the times when hominids first settled The Conflux Sea as little more than a minor trade port of little importance, or so the stories say. In truth though, very little is known about the early ages of the city in general, even more than the passage of time would usually account for. Rumors claim that The Azurite Archives in their secrecy purged any and all records that relate to their original founding, and with that any and all records that relate to the founding of Thassalophon.
Indeed, if there is anything that can be said with certainty it’s that the history of the two are linked as surely as the heart to the body. Without The Archives there would be no Thassalophon.
More is known about the time after the city declared its independence from Adrastealos, something that would only become possible due to the devastating war between it and Keopsys in decades prior. Following the wanton slaughter of those years, it seems almost comical that it took but a single missive for liberty, but at the time there wasn’t really anything Adrastealos could have done about it. Evil tongues both past and present spread rumors that even back then The Archives guided the fates of nations and men, that it was them that seeded the spark of rebellion in Keopsys, that it was them that condemned the hundreds of thousands to their death in battle, famine and plague. All for the sake of their own independence the rumors claim, to create the necessary conditions of their own freedom. though surely not even The Archives would go so far.
In the years after Thassalophons secession The Azurite Archives took full control of the city with little to no resistance, and have ruled it since. In the intervening centuries, Thassalophon itself engaged with other polities mostly through diplomatic pacts and assurances, leveraging both to dissuade any possible attackers. It is no secret that The Archives are likely the best place in the world for students of the arcane arts, though they also train people in regular academic disciplines, as well as politics, governance, diplomacy and finance. More than a few rulers of the past few hundred years were prominent students of The Archives, and over the centuries their influence and reach has only grown.
For hundreds of years, Thassalophon and The Azurite Archives maintained neutrality. The city would become known as a place for discussion, diplomacy and learning, where people from all backgrounds, places and strains could come together, even with people that they would have otherwise found themselves feuding with. Therefore it understandably came as a shock when Thassalophon broke that tradition of neutrality, not just by joining, but by helping to found The Conflux Tripact 13 years ago.    

Culture & Society:


Protected Knowledge:

As a state whose entire inner workings seem to revolve around a single library/academy, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that knowledge and those that hold it are held in very high regard among Thassalonians. Arestis, or “Wise Ones” as scholars are referred to here, are under special protection within the confines of the city, and many a Wise One that was prosecuted in distant lands has come to Thassalophon to seek protection.
Even relatively unknown Arestis from distant lands are treated as something akin to folk heroes here, and those more well known are given deference as it would be expected for high ranking nobility.
No surprise then that knowledge, and scholastic pursuits play a very important role even among the common folk of Thassalophon, as those things are seen as the easiest and most practical way to rise up in the world. Thassalophon has the highest rate of literacy in the world, with one in every 5 people being able to read and write.  

Naturally Inquisitive/Suspicious:

“You can send a Thassalonian a letter and to them it will seem as if you wrote a book.”
- Famous but unattributed quote
of a wandering merchant
  It is said that to a Thassalionian, things can never be simple. Behind every sentence spoken, every line written and every action taken there is most certainly some hidden meaning, some sort of message for only the initiated to understand, or some sort of signal for nefarious plots. That is nonsense of course, at least among the common populace, but it is true that Thassalonians are taught from a very early age to view everything and everyone with a degree of scrutiny. They are slow to trust, and most of them will think any deal that seems too good to be true to be exactly that.    

The Azurite Archives:

“With a single sentence they can say less than you would think and more than you could possibly imagine.”
- Aristophane of Thassalophon on the Magi
of The Azurite Archives
  The Azurite Archives are the center of Thassalophon in every sense of the word. Located in the middle of the city and overshadowing every other building by no small margin, The Archives are by some estimates the largest collection of knowledge in the world.
The Azurite Archives however are more than just a library, an organization that at least according to what they say is dedicated to the safeguarding and preservation of knowledge through the ages. They do so through a variety of means, the most well known being through diplomacy.
Most rulers in the wider Hominid world and even some beyond have at least one advisor that was trained in The Archives, and it is through them that they exert most of their influence. Advising rulers can often make the difference between a place of learning being destroyed or spared during war, and convincing them to divert resources to archaeological digs and funding special investigations are one of the most common ways in which The Azurite Archives stock up their evergrowing font of knowledge. Members of The Archives that specialize in this are known as Milias, “The Word Wielders”.
Another specialization for those more interested in the thrill of adventure and exploration are the Elleon, “The Seekers”. They are the “field agents” of The Archives, and it is them who delve into ancient ruins and hidden fonts of knowledge directly. A dangerous mission, but all the more rewarding for those that actually chose this line of work.
Third there are the Dikasti, or “The Keepers”. They specialize in preserving knowledge in a more direct way, by collecting discoveries into tomes, maintaining old texts and teaching novices. They are essentially trained conservators and librarians, mostly working in The Azurite Archives themselves, under people that can afford a large enough library to warrant employing a Keeper (which usually means Rulers or exceptionally wealthy court mages), or as private tutors to those that can afford it.   Finally there are The Magi, the elite of the elite, and the highest ranking members of The Azurite Archives. As the name suggests, they are members of The Archives that excel at Magic, a rare talent which at least according to their beliefs is a gift of the gods, specifically one goddess, Arcana. Magi are the pinnacle of what The Archives have to offer. They receive the most brutal training, hold the most influence among their ranks and receive the most important and dangerous missions.
Magi are more than simple mages though, and it is not like no members of other specializations can cast Magic either, no. To be a Magi means to be an embodiment of the ideals and beliefs of The Azurite Archives:
Unknowable masters of diplomacy and subterfuge like the Milias. Driven explorers, undaunted and unafraid to act alone even hundreds of miles from the nearest signs of civilization like the Elleon. Unending fonts of knowledge and wisdom, keepers, preservers and teachers like the Dikasti. All this and more is required of those that would rise to the rank of Magi.
As The Azurite Archives specialize in the teaching of Arcane Magic, most Magi end up being Wizards and Witches, though they count mages of all disciplines among them.   Magi are the most valuable assets of The Archives, and as such they go to great lengths to ensure their safety even on prolonged missions. For the purpose of this, some Magi forge a pact with one of those known as the Hettari, “The Companions” or “The Bonded”.
For the Hettari to be bonded in this way means to be utterly devoted to the Magi, to be their sworn companion and protector until death and in some cases beyond. The Hettari becomes hardier as their body is reinforced by the Magic of the bonding ritual, and both they and their Magi become inexorably linked, being able to feel what the other feels to a certain degree, as well as being able to tell the others general location at all times.
While anyone can technically be bonded as Hettari, most Magi choose people they would trust with their life regardless, close friends and loved ones for example. Furthermore the bonding requires both parties to agree and be fully aware of the consequences, or so The Archives claim at least.
Should either party die, the consequences for the other are immense. Reports claim anything from eternal phantom pains to excessive grief, depression, psychosis and utter madness. It is not uncommon for the surviving half of the bond to take their life soon after, though there are some that manage to weather the storm and move on, albeit with difficulty.
It is said that it may be possible to circumvent these side effects by forging another bond as soon as possible, though in reality most Magi and Hettari that have lost their companion never bond with another.  

Dedicated to Arcana:

While Arcana is openly worshiped in some parts of the world as she is one of The Ur-Ashaar, in reality her followers prefer to stay unknown. Thassalophon is unique in the fact that it is not only the only city in which Arcana is openly worshiped in temples and sermons, but also the only city in which she is worshiped more than any other Ur-Ashaar, or any other god for that matter.  

Matriarchal Legacy:

As a city which originally held strong cultural ties to Adrastealos in the past, Thassalophon remains a vehemently matriarchal society. The head of any family or noble house is usually a woman, men marry into their wives' families and not the other way around, and almost all government and leadership positions are held by women.
Contrary to Adrastealos though these relations are not set into law, a man can technically come into power, found their own house etc., it just basically never happens due to cultural customs.    

Laws & Institutions:


Orders of Silence:

The Cult of Arcana holds the monopoly over the dissemination of information in Thassalophon. According to them, some knowledge is too dangerous for the common populace, and must be carefully regulated in order to maintain peace and cohesion within the world. To directly contradict them or to break their orders of silence and censorship is a grave crime even for members of The Azurite Archives, and more often than not carries the death penalty.  


In Thassalophon slaves cannot be owned by individuals, only by businesses, organizations or the state itself. Furthermore only debt-slavery and slavery as a means of non-violent prison sentences are legal.



Population: ~50.000 (10.000 in the city itself)
Strains: Hominids ~60%, Elves ~15%, Wildkin ~10%, Zoltai ~10%, Other ~5%
Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


Government: Magocracy
Grand Magi Galatea Uriella Diagora
Influence: moderate


50 copper chalkos = 1 silver asmir
25 silver asmir = 1 gold kresos

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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