Chosen One

Born with “the mark of greatness”, your birth was a celebrated occasion among not just your family, but your people. Your birthday was the fulfillment of portents and prophecy, the coming of a golden age, beginning of a heroic tale, blessing of the gods, or whatever else you can think of. You were meant for greatness, and the people that surrounded and raised you from an early age made sure you knew this, and brought you up to be the person they wanted you to be, or at least tried to.
When creating a Chosen One character, consider how the expectations of those that surrounded you have shaped who you are. Do you believe the things they told you, or did you not buy into your own hype? Do you even KNOW what it is you are meant to be? Are you trying to live up to their expectations and if so, how are you managing to shoulder the burdens and expectations of an entire people? Contrary to that, do you perhaps “resist your destiny”? If so, how harshly do they react to it? Have you been abandoned, deemed a failure and false messiah? Or are they perhaps still trying to change your mind, possibly by whatever means necessary?
Finally, consider how your status as the chosen one affected your relations with people. Were you capable of forming any meaningful relationships, or did everyone merely see you as an Ideal, rather than a person? Were there perhaps those that secretly or openly hated you, out of jealousy, or for other reasons? One person's hero can be another’s villain after all.   Ability Scores: +1 to one of INT, WIS or CHA
Feat: none
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills to be proficient in from the following list: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Religion.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: pick a total number of 2 language or tool proficiencies.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Mark of Greatness
You have 2 extra Strain Points which you can spend exclusively on the following abilities from the Otherworldly Heritage section: Heavenly Spark, Heavenly Aspect, Spectral Wings, Emanate Aspect, The Eye of Heaven, Mana Breathing, Mana Form, Mana Sight. You still need to meet all their prerequisites.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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