
“Through ages long and dark and cold”
“Where kingdoms fall and rise foretold”
“As mortals perish, others soar”
“And I shall watch forevermore”
  Ruu is one of the 5 Ancestral Dragons, the direct descendants of Tiamat and Gods of The Ruumush Amat, the predominant faith amongst members of The Draconid Strain. She is most commonly associated with the gathering, understanding and contemplation of knowledge about both the “natural” and “unnatural” world, as well as the broader concepts of astrology and study of the unknown.  


Ruu is most commonly depicted as a magnificent crystalline Dragon, though she is a good bit smaller than most of her siblings. Her scales are said to consist entirely of shimmering, luminous crystals, perpetually shifting in color from deep blues to vibrant greens and purples.
Her body is slender, graceful and smooth, almost serpentine, emphasizing her apparent aversion to physical conflict.
  Ruu is often depicted with a crown or halo of hovering crystals around her head, and more often than not with her head directed towards the night sky and the stars with a wistful look in her pure white eyes. It is therefore no surprise that Ruu is often associated with the stars and astrology, and is even said to be living on in the form of the constellation simply known as The Dragon in most cultures.  


Ruu is a somewhat contradictory figure, often characterized as detached and impassionate, taking little interest in the fate of mortals, yet her actions regularly say otherwise.
There are numerous stories of Ruu intervening in the lives of mortals to save them or their loved ones from cruel fates and punishments or aid them in the face of overwhelming adversity.
  The uncaring juxtaposed to the emotional and impulsive nature of Ruu have lead many theologians lead to the believe that Ruu is in truth a gentle Soul, which purposefully removed herself from her mothers and siblings influence as to not be drawn into their machinations, electing to observe from the sidelines, only to intervene when absolutely necessary.   It is for this reason, her open reluctance to associate with the other Ancestral Dragons, that some followers call into question if Ruu should even be considered part of The Ruumush Amat, though the Orthodox canon states that as a Direct descendant of Tiamat, Ruu still deserves veneration.  


Ruu avoids interacting with her mother, or any of her siblings for that matter, if she can help it.  

Followers and Worship:

As a Deity that at least on paper makes a point out of not paying much attention to prayer, it does not come as a surprise to many that Ruu has a rather small following, mostly consisting of wandering scholars, archaeologists, astrologians and those who seek to uncover the truth about the world surrounding them.
The highest concentration of worshippers can be found in the Draconid monasteries, hidden away in the far-off, even by Dracoris standards sparsely populated, peaks of The Dividing Highlands, where her followers dedicate themselves to an ascetic life of quiet study and contemplation of the nature of the world they live in.   Ruu cares little for sacrifices, treasures or prayer, her followers are very much aware of this, and as such they seek to dedicate themselves to their Deity in a different manner.
As Ruu is very closely associated with the Stars and other celestial bodies, many choose to perform sermons or astrological readings during brightly lit full-moon nights, or meditate for many hours in the darkest nights, a symbolic act intent on bringing “the light of understanding” into the otherwise dark night.  


  • Seek to Understand: “Be it the world Mother created, or the people inhabiting it, one should always seek to understand, for only through understanding what we do not can we expand our horizons, and reach for ever greater heights.”
  • Preserve Understanding: “As kingdoms and empires rise and fall, and the sands of time wash away the last traces of what once was, it shall be up to use to keep the record. For as the world forgets, we shall remember.”
  • Avoid Conflict: “Never in the History of our world have conflict and war brought knowledge and understanding, to the contrary, they have eradicated ancient records and stories now forever untold. Therefore, should it not be for the case of self-defense, conflict is a last resort.”
  • Titles and Aliases:

    The Wise One
    She who rules the stars
    She who yet foresaw the End
    The Crystalline

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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