The Ruumush Amat

Though usually referred to as The Dragon Cult or The Creed of the Allmother, it roughly translates to The Words of the Wise ones in the Ancestral Draconid Nald language. The Ruumush Amat is the predominant faith amongst members of The Draconid Strain and tells the Story of how Tiamat, The Mother of Dragons, slew all other Primordial Gods and formed the world and all that inhabit it from their remains. It considers True Dragons as Divine, seeing them as the closest one can become to the Mother of all. Followers of this Faith worship Tiamat and her first Children, The Ancestral Dragons, as Gods.  

Quick Summary:

"And it was thus that our Mother formed the World: from the Flesh of Ragash she formed the Earth and soil, and from the Bones of Amun she formed the Mountains, and From the Blood of Kamagal she formed the Rivers, Lakes and Sea. But from death alone no life can form, so she gave her own blood to give rain to the land and see plants and animals flourish.”
“But this World was disorderly, it needed someone to maintain it, to tend to it, for else it would fall to chaos.”
“It was thus that our Mother gave birth to us, the Tarosh, so that we could maintain her creation in her Name, and give praise to her.“
“But this was no easy task, and as such our Mother saw it fit to create another form of life, from clay and sand she formed them, and with her fiery breath she gave life to them. She called them the Shol, “the Scaleless” and they were to be our loyal servants, to aid us in our task, and such it was forevermore.“   While the Orthodox Canon assumes the Story to be over with Tiamats last creation, The Hominid Strain, "The Shol", The Ur-Ashaar, the predominant Faith in the Region known as Zagesi, tells of how the Prime Deity of their Pantheon Zargoran, through a clever ruse, Stole the Fire of creation from Tiamat and slew her, freeing his people from their Servitude and destroying The old Draconid Empire in the process.
Since the fall of The Draconid Empire and The Devastation of Dracoris, hundreds, if not thousands of years have passed. Most Draconids at this point believe the Story, but the High Priests in the Grand Temple of Sacromas say otherwise:
According to them, the loss of the fire and the Devastation are not a consequence of Zargorans ploy, but rather Divine punishment for failing to uphold their Divine task of ruling over Tiamats creations, and keeping it in check.  

Core Beliefs:

While the specific tenets of faith and doctrine vary from tribe to tribe and sometimes even from person to person, there are 2 general concepts that most of them tend to agree on:  


It is believed that, once a Draconid dies, their Soul ascends to the Divine Realm, where Tiamat and The Ancestral Dragons reside. There their Soul shall be judged by the Mother of Dragons:
  • If one lived a Virtuous life in accordance with the teachings of the Ruumush Amat, they are claimed by the Ancestral Dragon whose merits and tenets they are closest aligned to. A soul claimed in such a way eventually returns to the Stream of Souls, the "Akasha" and is born again into the body of a "blessed one", a Draconid with a great destiny. It is therefore generally believed that if one finds themselves in a position of privilege, they must have earned that position through their virtuous ways in a previous life.
  • Contrary to this, if one lived a life of cowardice and weakness, failing to uphold the teachings and fulfill their given roles in life, their soul is cast into the Great Void, the "Aruman" where the soul is doomed to linger in perpetual darkness for eternity, until it is torn apart by madness and the beings that inhabit it.
  • Most however live an average unremarkable life, unmarked by great deeds of goodness or evil, their Souls are simply returned to the Stream of Souls and reborn into the body of an unremarkable Draconid.
  • Ascension:

    The true Goal however is not reincarnation into the Body of a blessed one, but Ascension, to become one of the True Dragons. How exactly this is possible is not exactly understood. Some say ascension is simply a process of living a virtuous life for enough cycles to achieve enlightenment, others say it comes through great achievements, like conquering lands in the name of Tiamat or overcoming great adversaries, and there are countless different beliefs beyond that.
    What is certain however is that Ascension IS a real thing, not just myth or legend, despite its exceeding rarity.
    The last well-documented case was that of Syros Arishkagal, the last reigning Queen of the Sarkonian Dynasty who, around 300 years ago, was struck by lightning on the cloudless night of her coronation and took flight on ghostly pale wings, never to be seen again. Though as she didn’t stick around after ascending, no one could pick her brain about the matter.

    Articles under The Ruumush Amat

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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