The Batu Mountains

Literally translating to “The Stone Mountains”, The Batu Mountains are a small range located in the center of the Rumah region in northern central Kashura. The Batu mountains are characterized by the stark difference in flora and climate between the north- and south-facing sides. While the northside is well-known for its lush greenery and smooth cliff-faces, the south is more known for its jagged and barren landscape, a trait it shares with The Kasiri Hinterlands at its foot.
This stark contrast is no doubt a result from the frequent rain fronts from The Shattered Sea, The Batu mountains catch most of it, leading the runoff into the central river valley of Rumah, leaving only little rain for the lands to their south. The Batu Mountains aren’t very rich in natural resources, safe for one of the most prodigious gold mines of the continent.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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