
The Region of Rumah lies right in the middle of Northern Kashura, on the southernmost coast of The Shattered Sea. It is flanked in the east by The Boreas Highlands, in the south by The Yuyan River and The Forest of Eternal Autumn, and in the west by The Sung River and The Hutan Forest, though parts of said forest technically still fall into this region.
Rumah is a land that, until relatively recently has seen very little strife for hundreds of years, so the devastation and displacement caused by the eruption of The Vulspar (see: Rungholt) and the subsequent exodus of The Gray Giants (see: The Hominid Strain) has hit them harder than any other region.    


The climate of Rumah is generally mild, with temperatures swinging between -10 and 25C (14-77F), depending on the season and proximity to The Shattered Sea. The most common natural disasters here are storms carried inland by the winds of The Shattered Sea, though they usually only occur during the harsher seasons.    


Until relatively recently, Rumah used to be one of the more densely populated regions of Kashura, though since the collapse of the trading network of The Shattered Sea, the eruption of The Vulspar and the invasion and raids fromThe Gray Giants, the region has been severely depopulated. Of the over 500.000 people who used to live here, only around 300.000 remain.    


Rumah has been under the predominantly peaceful rule of Tanasi for the better part of 700 years, and unless the power balance in the surrounding areas drastically shifts, it sounds like it will remain that way for the time being.
Ayula, one of the independent city states of The Yurekai Trading Network also technically lies within the borders of this region, though they seem to have little intent on infringing on Tanasi’s territorial claims.    


Mountains & other geographical features:

The Batu Mountains
The Boreas Highlands
The Kasiri Hinterlands

Forests & Swamps:

The Forest of Eternal Autumn
The Hutan Forest

Bodies of Water:

The Shattered Sea
The Sung River
The Tanasi Gulf
The Yuyan River

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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