The Hutan Forest

Stretching along the western coast of The Shattered Sea, through the territories of three nations and being part of three distinct regions, it is no surprise that it came to be known as simply The Great Forest. From the old tribes of The Begarit (see: The Great Heights of Begarit and The Yuyan Dominion) that still call it home, to the people of Yuyan, Tanasi and Shizumi which favor it for its great supply of lumber, and even The Gray Giants (see: The Hominid Strain and Rungholt) which have called parts of it home for the past 30 years or so, The Hutan Forest has been inhabited by people for as long as history can record, and probably even beyond that. Ruins of older civilizations, either abandoned due to changing weather conditions or destroyed by others can still be found here if one knows where to look.
Besides that, The Hutan Forest together with The Great Heights of Begarit is the world's largest supplier of Amber, making it a household name as far away as Koltai in gem crafting circles.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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