
Uzdarezi is one of the two major successor states of The Ashuurian State, following its dissolution through The War of the Twin Princes, around 50 years ago.  


Uzrarezi consists of the far northern reaches of Upper Zagesi, stretching from The Boreas Highlands in the north and west, to The westernmost parts of The Blooming Heights and The Blooming Marshes in the east. Finally, Uzdarezi also holds dominion over a few islands in The Gilded Sea. Both major cities of Uzarezi, Bizantahir and Utarak, are under the absolute rule of House Arkazi, and have been for hundreds of years.
The regional trading Hub of Takir, far in the north, is also part of Uzdarezi, though its relative distance from the heartland allows the city some autonomy compared to the rest of the state.  


Uzdarezi is an elective, absolute monarchy, meaning that upon the death or abdication of the current monarch, “The Malikh“, an appointed set of electors will cast their votes for any eligible candidates, with the one receiving the most votes becoming the new Malikh.
These electors are usually high-ranking officials, wealthy landholders, merchants or accomplished generals. As of the inception of Uzdarezi, a sizable amount of these electorships have however been filled by members of House Arkazi, and as such it is no surprise that it is they, who end up running the state.
Uzarezi consists of several “Heartland Provinces” as well as a few outer regions, referred to as “Kavahir”, or simply frontiers. These Kavahir are usually classified by harsh terrain and cultural differences, which weaken the central government's authority in the region, leading to much greater autonomy, but also reduced safety in those regions. The most noteworthy of these Kavahir is Takir.
The current capital of Uzdarezi is Bizantahir.  


As a nation born from the recent dissolution of The Ashuurian State, uzdarezian history only reaches back 50 years, with the time before that being heavily tied into the aforementioned state.  
  • 18 pSF: Uzdarezi is founded as a successor state to The Ashuurian State, consisting of the great cities of Bizantahir and Utarak, as well as their surrounding territories. Like the rest of Upper Zagesi, it is plagued by great instability.
  • 0 SF: A pirate raid originating from Korsani, led by The Pirate Queen herself, leads to heavy damage to the fortifications of Utarak, hundreds are killed and thousands lose their home and property. This leads to a heavy increase in poverty within the city.
  • 2-4 SF: Large swathes of Wildkin refugees flood into Upper Zagesi from The Shattered Sea, further destabilizing the region.
  • 3 SF: “Hashem Arkazi II.”, is elected as the new and current ruler of Uzdarezi, after his grandfather and predecessor abdicates.
  • 5 SF: “Hashem Arkazi II.”, the ruler of Uzdarezi , declares all non-hominids as outlaws, leading to heavy persecution in his domain and an exodus of non-hominids in the following years.
  • 8-20 SF: Uzdarezi invests heavily into its military and bolsters its troops, hunting down bandits, pirates and other outlaws. Laws punishing both heavy and petty crimes become much harsher, and a modicum of stability returns to the state, at least the heartland provinces.
  • 22 SF: Pirate raids on uzdarezian ports and convoys become much more common.
  • 23 SF: Following a diplomatic mission to The Shattered Sea, Uzdarezi forges a military alliance with the newly established Northmen tribes along its coast.
  • 27 SF: Uzdarezi forges a military alliance with the tribes of The Howling Hills, after arranging a favorable ceasefire with their attackers,the Northmen tribes.
  • 32 SF: The Baron of Keruz, the Kavahir containing The Boreas Woodlands, is declared an outlaw, after evidence of him collaborating with local bandit groups and criminal organizations is brought to light.

    Culture & Society:

    The cultural practices of Uzdarezi are a combination of the broader ones from The Ashuurian State, as well as the more localized practices of Bizantahir and Utarak.   There are many stereotypes about Uzdarezians, their southern neighbors often view them as illiterate brutes, filled with hate for everything foreign, only thinking about warfare and battle, while their allies to the north value them as well-trained warriors and great statesmen, that keep their word no matter what.
    While these are of course just stereotypes, most of the time such beliefs have at least a kernel of truth to them. While concepts such as loyalty and honor can’t really be quantified on a national scale, it is true that uzdarezian society puts a much heavier emphasis on discipline and martial prowess than many others, and while people might recognize that one sometimes must lie for the sake of their kin, to break a promise is viewed by many as an eternal stain on ones character, regardless of the context.  

    Laws & Institutions:

    The Laws of Uzdarezi for the most part line up with those of The Ashuurian State, though they tend to have a lot harsher punishments for crimes. There are also some differences between the heartland and the frontiers, as those tend to have more autonomous governments.
    The most notable difference to the rest of Upper Zagesi would be the declaration of 5 SF, which declared all non-hominids as outlaws. This has also resulted in a legalized form of slavery, as long as the slaves aren’t hominids.  

    Major Settlements:

    Bizantahir - One of the oldest cities in Upper Zagesi and the second one originally founded by House Arkazi, which to this day holds dominion over it. It is also the de-facto capital of Uzdarezi and home to ~70.000 people, most of which are Hominids.   Utarak - The third oldest City of Upper Zagesi , which served both as the seat of power for House Arkazi and the capital of The Ashuurian State for hundreds of years. Even through its recent decline, it is still home to ~35.000 people, almost exclusively Hominids.   Takir - A mining and trade city far in the north of Upper Zagesi , serving as the main connection for merchants and travelers from The Shattered Sea and The Howling Hills of Griselderyn. It is home to ~12.000 people, most of which are Hominids.



    Region: Northern Middle East - Upper Zagesi


    Population: ~400.000
    Strains: Hominids ~96%, Other ~4%
    Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


    Government: elective, absolute monarchy
    Ruler: Malikh Hashem Arkazi II.
    Influence: moderate


    50 copper grains = 1 silver glimmer
    25 silver glimmers = 1 gold sovereign

    Articles under Uzdarezi

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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