Bróbh Boíg (Náian; /bˠɾˠoːvˠ ˈbˠɔiːg/, "Wood Singer")

The Náian God of Music, Storytelling, & Bards

    Bróbh Boíg is the Náian god of bards, music, and storytelling. Once a mortal, Bróbh Boíg has become a staple of popular culture throughout Aanrah, becoming a important figure in the Common pantheon as well as his native one. He is well renowned as a champion of the people and a fierce defender of the persecuted, and takes it upon himself to tell the stories of Aanrah as they really happened. He is one of the Hero Deities.



Bróbh Boíg appears as a middle aged wood elf with tanned skin and long brown hair, often worn back in a braid. He is never seen without his lute, which is made of a dark wood from the forests of Nurí and inlaid with gold. He is known to appear in a variety of different outfits, usually with a hat and some form of feather. On the back of his left hand is a ring of undecipherable symbols. Ort has a mirror of this on his right hand.


Bróbh Boíg is a pleasant and friendly individual, outgoing and easy to talk to. He prefers to talk to others and find diplomatic solutions to problems, and likes to know both sides of the story before he makes choices. As such, he is well known for being friendly with species and individuals society would otherwise cast out or frown upon - deservedly so or not. Even before his ascension to godhood, Bróbh Boíg was known for hanging around persecuted groups and for being a strong voice for their plight. He believes in a world free of prejudice and a equal chance for everyone.

Powers & Domain



Bróbh Boíg was born on the island that has become the modern day Magocracy of the Dark Woods under the name Browai Dréómmalco. The eldest son to a wealthy noble, Browai did not aspire to take over the Dréómmalco estate, or to follow in his family's footsteps. Considered somewhat of a disappointment by his parents, Browai grew up taking advantage of his family's wealth to learn different instruments and languages. His family did not approve in Browai's clear desire to do something 'lesser' with his life, and he left his home without a word in his late teens. He spent several years traveling his island home, but found it difficult when his family was well known and his family was searching for him. Eventually, he left for the mainland of Tshasir.
Over the next decade or two, Browai wandered from place to place, improving his skill as a bard and taking a growing interest in the diversity of the world and the stories people had to tell. He began to find that he had a problem with the glorified and likely incorrect versions of tales sung by other bards (or that he himself had learned from others), and found himself focusing on trying to get the full story and not to simplify it as much as others did. He often used his relationships with indiviuals of persecuted races as inspiration. Unfortunately, his naivety would ultimately lead to the death of a family of Nymauti demon immigrants that he had become friends with - a breaking point for Browai. Devistated by what he had accidentally brought, struggling with his own idenity and purpose in life, and bogged by guilt of leaving his family, Browai blindly took off into the forest and unwittingly took his first steps into a long, winding journey.
It was the Fairy King Ort and his mount Mun who found Browai collapsed in the woods, exhausted and injurted from running blindly through the woods at night and ultimately falling and injurying himself in the process. Unbeknownst to Browai, Ort had watched him before - when Browai would practice his songs out in the woods, thinking he was alone. It was this that earned him the title Bróbh Boíg - the Náian words for "Wood Singer". Ort offered Browai a chance to get away, to take him to Nurí and away from all his troubles. The offer was as much of a death wish as anything else in Browai's head, so he accepted. Those who went with Ort did not return, and Browai did not expect any different of himself. He left Aanrah that night under the assumption he'd never see it again.
Fifteen years later, Bróbh Boíg found himself in Aanrah again, his memories of his time in Nurí a blur at best. Gifted a lute made by the fae with a inscription from Ort on it and nothing else, Bróbh Boíg struggled to return to society and to people who thought, without a doubt, that he was dead. But he was not dead, and somewhere in his time on the other side he had ceased to be just a mortal. Now a demigod, Bróbh Boíg found himself more driven then he had been even in the past with the stories of others, and he saw being returned to Aanrah as a sign that he had a purpose to fulfill.
It would be Maholdymyndr who ultimately pushed Bróbh Boíg into what would become his true purpose and destiny. On the verge of facing his brother Deiahdrahl† to slay him and take over his power, Maholdymyndr sought ʻiatthaḑa - the Nuríian God of Fortune and the Future - to answer a question for him. Confident in his victory, it was not reassurance or confirmation in the battle that Maholdymyndr sought - instead, Maholdymyndr desired to know if picking Bróbh Boíg would mean his victory would be immortalized, truly. Having heard of Bróbh Boíg's skills and reputation, Maholdymyndr desired to know if Bróbh Boíg would survive long enough to retell the details of his victory over his brother for many millenia to come. ʻiatthaḑa's answer was, perhaps, more than Maholdymyndr could have ever hoped for. ʻiatthaḑa saw no end to Bróbh Boíg's life - a existence stretching on beyond what she could witness, with such certainty that the fae thought she had at first been mistaken. But for what ʻiatthaḑa could scry, Bróbh Boíg would live long past the end of Aanrah itself, whenever or however that may be, and there would truly be no greater person to pick to witness Deiahdrahl's defeat  . Bróbh Boíg would witness it, and remember it as it truly happened - for long past either of their existences.
Maholdymyndr tasked two of his offspring to retrieve Bróbh Boíg and the demigod gnome Boiiiiv Book-Bringer to witness the battle - neither of which really had a choice in coming or not. For both of them, watching the slaying of Deiahdrahl would push them towards true divinity as lesser gods - and fundimentally shake them to their cores.

Religion & Dogma



  • Word
  • -
  • Word
  • -

Artifacts, Etc.



  • Bróbh Boíg is often called by his birthname by those closest to him, including Ort, Dathi, Bangitfi, Liss, and Nme Boryr.
  • He is bound to Ort.



Lover (Important)

Towards Bróbh Boíg



Bróbh Boíg

Lover (Important)

Towards Bangitfi




Bangtifi and Bróbh Boíg met when Bróbh Boíg was still a lesser god, and the two hit it off immediately. The two have bonded closely over their shared domains of storytelling and things related to music, and their general good-natured personalities. Bangtifi was one of the first gods to really reach out to him and form a relationship with him, and introduce him to other deities and what it meant to be a god.
Bangtifi introduced Bróbh Boíg to Liss
Bangtifi and Bróbh Boíg always have each other's back and supports, and while not fully romantically involved they consider each other close partners and best of friends. They have no jealousy or qualms over each other's relationships.


Husband (Vital)

Towards Bróbh Boíg



Bróbh Boíg

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ort




Bróbh Boíg and Ort are Bound to one another, and both usually refer to the other as their husband.
Bróbh Boíg initially met when Ort found him after a particularly turmotulous night in Bróbh Boíg's mortal life, and Ort offered him a chance to get away from it by being taken to Nurí. Bróbh Boíg accepted, fully expecting to never return. What he didn't know was that Ort had been watching him for some time when he would wander the woods and practice his music on his own, and had grown rather fond of him. For fifteen years, Ort kept Bróbh Boíg charmed in the court of the Fae as his personal bard, until at last both his own guilt of the situation and belief that hopefully Bróbh Boíg had enough time away from the world had Ort returning Bróbh Boíg to Aanrah - the full events of which had Bróbh Boíg ascend to demigodhood.
During the next decade or two, Bróbh Boíg tried to recall what had all happend in the Faerealms, and what exactly Ort was playing at. The two began a very bizzare touch-and-go relationship in which the two danced around the real questions at hand, neither willing to give the other a straight answer. This continued for over a thousand years before either of them decided to confess and start answering questions.
Though Ort admitted to his own rather unhealth and obsessive tendencies towards Bróbh Boíg, Bróbh Boíg still found himself deeply infatuated with Ort in return, and the two became bound despite both suspecting they should play it careful with each other.
The two are extremely close, and serve as each other's closest confedants. Though a wood elf, the other fae respect Bróbh Boíg as Ort's partner and sort of 'Prince' of the fae. Bróbh Boíg closeness with Ort has meant Mun will allow Bróbh Boíg to ride him.
Ort does get a little possessive over Bróbh Boíg and jealous of his other lovers, though he tends to keep it to himself and has spoken with Bróbh Boíg in length about his own feelings and not really wanting Bróbh Boíg to change how he is. Dathi is the best exception of this, where Bróbh Boíg's relationship with her has grown into interest from Ort as well. Both Bróbh Boíg and Ort are content with their shared and individual relationship with her.


Wife (Vital)

Towards Bróbh Boíg



Bróbh Boíg

Husband (Vital)

Towards Dathi




Dathi and Bróbh Boíg met when Bróbh Boíg sought her out early on after she ascended to lesser godhood. Already having earned a reputation for herself, Bróbh Boíg was interested in getting to know who she really was. The two of them hit it off - Bróbh Boíg charmed by her eccentric and headstrong ways, and Dathi enamored by his dedication to giving everyone's voice a chance. Bróbh Boíg and Dathi found themselves spending more time together and getting to know each other, and soon grew into lovers.
Dathi was more then a little surprised to learn that Bróbh Boíg was honestly, truly married to Ort, and that that wasn't a rumor or a stretch of truth. Initially, this worried Dathi - she was afraid he would be displeased at his husband having a side piece, even if Dathi was far from the only one. Bróbh Boíg did his best to aleviate this worries, which only left once Dathi was able to meet Ort himself. After that point, Ort and Dathi became close on their own.
Bróbh Boíg considers himself married to Dathi as well, as does Ort.


Enemy (Important)

Towards Bróbh Boíg



Bróbh Boíg

Enemy (Important)

Towards Baghánn




Knowing Bróbh Boíg's importance to Ort, Baghánn seeks to do whatever kind of harm he can to the wood elf, going as far as to break the sort of unspoken 'pact' among gods that Bróbh Boíg is 'off limits'. Though Baghánn is more then aware that Bróbh Boíg knows he's wicked and not to be trusted, he still pretends to be Bróbh Boíg's friend. Bróbh Boíg doesn't trust him in the slightest, but remains somewhat polite in hopes that maybe Baghánn with will give up on it.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met"
Divine Rank:
Music, Storytelling, & Bards
Divine Classification
Intermediate God
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Year of Birth
3038 6577 Years old
Modern Magocracy of the Dark Woods
Bangitfi (Lover)
Ort (Husband)
Dathi (Wife)
Chestnut Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Birth Name:
Browai Dréómmalco
/ˈbʲɾʲɔwəu̯ dʲɾʲeː oːmˈməi̯lkɔ/
"Star Elkrun"
I. Meet Me In The Woods Tonight in Aanrah Collection


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