Names to Know - A Quick Character Guide

There are a great number of characters that make up Aanrah, most of which have a article to allow for information storage and idea expansion. That said, not every character is equal in their importance in the grand scheme. Below is a list and quick summary of the important and most brought up / referenced names and characters.

Important Characters


The Witch of the White Tree, Ahundiirnliilul, often shortened to Ahund, is a human lich in the service of Heliocene and Thaliadine, the royal family of the prominent Northern Kingdom. Released from her ancient prison, Thaliadine holds her phylactery hostage to force her to serve them and their kingdom. She is Heliocene's appointed teacher and guardian, and essentially his glorified babysitter.
Ahund is prideful and definitely out of touch with the modern age. Despite absolutely loathing her position as Heliocene's babysitter and being under someone else's control, she still strives to ensure Heliocene and the Northern Kingdom succeed. By the gods, hate them though she might, she will not have their failure on her withered hands.

King Heliocene

The young king of The Northern Kingdom, Heliocene took over at the ripe age of 9 when his father was murdered. He is the heir to a expansion south started by his father, King Heliocene finds himself in charge of one of the world's largest war engines - with the expectation that he will lead it to success as his father was expected to.
Though raised from birth to follow in his father's footsteps, Heliocene is far from ready, and his cruel and short-sighted nature shows. He prefers to push off his inevitable destiny as long as he can, not ready to let go of childhood and embrace the harrowing future head of him. He relies heavily on his older sister Thaliadine and his mentor Ahundiirnliilul.


The king of The Kingdom of Four and The Black Spire, Meekhûhtahqn is a figure surrounded in mystery despite living in between two of the biggest and most populated countries on Aanrah. With unknown motives and a unknown origin, he and his kingdom keep his neighbors on edge, even if they haven't made an movement in several millennia. Though mistaken as a lich, Meekhûhtahqn is a monster-like entity from another plane of existence and the self-declared leader of the Ynvónyẽian demons. Calm and patient, Meekhûhtahqn has little interest in the outside world beyond ensuring they leave his kingdom alone.

Sinvre Melcraft

The long time royal court wizard of Gusmuilor, Sinvre agreed to a deal with Thaliadine to secure Gusmuilor's future - assassinate the current king and queen and place their current daughter, Wenefrey Sunspire, on the throne. Then Gusmuilor would be handed over when the Northern Kingdom pushes for conquest. In return, Sinvre would be payed handsomely, and Wenefre would be spared and left in his care.
Manipulative and charismatic, Sinvre is more then happy to wash his hands of the perpetually struggling kingdom of Gusmuilor. He had long grown tired of watching it suffer over generations of being ignored as a advising force, and was more then happy to sell the country out to the Northern Kingdom without the chance for the bloodshed and slaughter that would have accompanied a hostile takeover.


A apprentice of a powerful wizard, Soru finds herself stranded in the heart of The King's Labyrinth after almost being sacrificed the Progenitor of Mortal Magic, Szaifudrus, on a pilgrimage to the Labyrinth. While trapped, Soru finds herself having the incredible chance of being able to study under Szaifudrus himself - at the cost of returning twice the time spent learning as time simply trapped in the labyrinth.
Soru, a previously lax and not particularly inspired wizard, finds herself struggling to make herself leave, developing feelings for Szaifudrus and wanting to break him free of his eternal impisonment. But each day she stays in the labyrinth, she prolongs how long she's trapped, and she risks that the god of magic Emrul decides Szaifudrus has had enough company.


The princess of The Northern Kingdom and older sister to the young king Heliocene, Thaliadine works behind the scenes to ensure that the kingdom stays afloat and continues with the plans their father set. She does her best to keep her younger brother protected from possible dangers and those who wish to sway him to their own plans, and is loyal to her country to a fault.
She's calculating and cold, putting aside everything about her own self in order to help run the kingdom. While she's also out of her depth even with a lifetime of training, she makes the best use of her knowledge and tools, pulling every string she has access to.

Veross the Pyre-Hearted

The leader of a splinter faction of the The Cult of Embers, Veross is a strange man in charge of a peaceful segment of what is a normally aggressive cult. Dead set in believing that he was giving a vision of the future by the cult's god when he became Ember-Hearted, Veross searches for the next steps in his deity's mysterious plan.
Unnervingly calm and confident, Veross believes without a shadow of a doubt that he knows what will happen, and that he will succeed no matter what. A man of few words even if he wasn't mostly mute, Veross leads his people with unwavering confidence.

Wenefrey Sunspire

The recently coronated queen of Gusmuilor, Wenefrey is a young woman who must suddenly step up in the sudden and unexpected assassination of her parents. Worse is the knowledge given to her on her coronation night by Sinvre Melcraft that he, their court wizard, did it - in a deal with The Northern Kingdom. She is now left in charge of a country knowing full well she will be forced to hand it over in a couple years time, though perhaps to her country's benefit.
Stubborn but strong-willed and brave, Wenefrey does her best in trying to prepare her people for a change of hands, knowing there's nothing she could do to improve their quality of living, and knowing that to resist would cause slaughter and bloodshed.


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