
Time passes differently there. The sun's light never fully disappears from the sky, nor does it ever grace the world with its full light. Even after waking up from being there for the first time, I could vividly recall the brilliant purple hues of the sky, and the way alien stars just began to appear in the darkest stretches. If I had never gone back, I might have thought it all just a dream.
Nurí is the land of the Fae - a separate plane of reality that intersects through Aanrah's. Difficult to access and filled with dangers, few travel to and from Nurí, making it and its contents still a place of legend and mystery to much of Aanrah.

The Plane of Nurí

Essence of the Faerealms

Nurí has existed as its own plane for far, far longer than Aanrah has existed. Though little is known by those who live on Aanrah, those native to Nurí know that their plane exhibits unusual properties - a single, unmoving sun, and a endless expanse beyond that. Nuríians understand that Nurí tends to form in 'pockets' around wellsprings of power - like Aanrah was and is - and everything in-between this realms is known as the Far Lands. Each 'pocket' contains its own thriving ecosystem expanding as far as the power it lives on can feed it - in the case of Aanrah's, a fair distance, but noted to be smaller then where the current Nuríians hail from. Fragmented history brought by those who first settled in Aanrah's pocket of Nurí know that their ancestors have been traveling and spreading from pocket to pocket since time immemorial. It is largely understood that the edges of Nurí do not exist until someone comes near them - so those who first visit and discover new pockets and islands may be discovering places that have only existed for short periods of time.

The Far Lands

The Far Lands exist as a thinning of reality between the pockets the build up the livable portions of Nurí, usually appearing as endless stretches of pale sea or barren desert. They are known for being incredibly unstable and difficult to navigate and traverse, making exploration one of the most dangerous jobs for Nuríians. Expeditions often involve extensive supply chains or incredibly good guides who know how to find the next nearest 'island' of reality, however small, to restock at. For many Nuríians, the idea of crossing the Far Lands is a death sentence, especially for anyone looking to travel to somewhere unknown. Even traveling known expanses between known pockets is difficult and risky business.

Aanrah's Pocket

Aanrah's pocket was settled and discovered primarily by Ort and Zhia Tyali, who left their own original pocket in search of a new and uninhabited pocket where they could be free of their previous home's harsh rules and culture. Followed by others who wished to leave their old society behind (including Baghánn, Riam, Raisa, and Thaiyy), Ort and Zhia were able to track down the wellspring of power that would become Aanrah and, ultimately, find a untouched pocket of Nurí to call home. Though Zhia would go to settle on Aanrah with the wood elves and abandon all pretenses of living in Nurí, Ort and many other fae continued to settle in their new homelands and make it the realm it is today.

The Land of Eternal Twilight

Nuríian Ecosystem

Aanrah's pocket of Nurí exists far from the central sun that illuminates much of Nurí, leaving Aanrah's pocket in a perpetual twilight. The plants that fill out Nurí's lush ecosystem tend to be bioluminescent in nature, ecologically straddling a line between tropical and temperate. It is thought to be about half the surface area of Aanrah itself. Scholars believe that largely follows the curve of Aanrah before flattening out again, considering to intersect over sections of the continents of Tshasir and Draakrahlr. The 'northern' or 'sun-ways' point of the pocket lead into a extremely large length of oceanic Far Lands, while the 'southern' or 'sun-distant' way is barrens of unknown length.
The species that inhabit Aanrah's pocket of Nurí are a mix of both 'native' species who came into existence as Ort and his followers neared the pocket, and those that survived the trek from their previous pocket. They are often considered dangerous by mortals, and even the weaker creatures that make it into Aanrah can cause serious trouble.

The Culture of the Fae

While still relatively 'new' from the perspective of the fae, Aanrah's pocket of Nurí contains a few Nuríian settlements, including its capitol which houses the new royal court. With traveling to Aanrah being still a somewhat difficult task and now more dangerous then ever, most Nuríians don't leave. However, those that do tend to be troublesome, sporting power that far surpasses most mortals, and a very different sense of culture and morality. To many Nuríians, Aanrah is a playground, and its inhabitants are expendable.
Alternative Name(s)
The Faerealm, the Twilight Lands
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species


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