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Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea

Aesis is the youngest of the gods. They were brought into existence when Uris was tricked by Ygdall into having carnal relations with him. This angered Rornir who originally wanted to destroy Aesis as he saw them as an abomination. In time, Uris convinced Rornir to spare Aesis and allow Uris to guide and mentor Aesis. Aesis is best known as the god of the sea, but he holds influence over all the elements. A blend of his mother and father, Aesis holds both sway over destructive and life-giving powers. Aesis is responsible for the creation of Geniekin, Ifrit, Oread, Suli, Undine, and the Sylph  


Aesis has at least one fully dedicated sect to him, however, there are many different sub-sects that also worship him (farmers differ in opinion than fishermen and ship captains for example) and ecumenical politics still muddles the message from time to time.  


There is an organized religion of sorts dedicated to Aesis, but it mostly exists conceptually. With great effort, the followers can accomplish small things.  


Aesis is widely followed by many people. While his truly dedicated followers are smaller in number than some of the other gods, many people that worship one of the other gods also pay homage to Aesis in some way.

Divine Domains

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Air
  • The Sea
  • Weather

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Their followers adorn themselves with a symbol that on one side is a wave of water, on the opposite side is a wave-like form made of fire. During ceremonies, his followers display bowls of water with a floating pitch-like substance that they light on fire.

Tenets of Faith

Aesis’ followers pray before and during any ocean trip, often placing offerings in the ocean before departing. Most ships also have a main lantern that is comprised of a bottom section that is filled with water, with the top holding an empty space with a pitch-like substance floating in the water. The ship captains strive to keep the pitch lit, especially during rough seas in the hopes Aesis sees their dedication and allows them safe passage. On land, farmers and other professions the depend on fair weather often display the bowls of fire and water around their houses and workplaces, keeping the pitch lit at all times. There are certain times of the year that many peoples hold formal ceremonies to try and appease Aesis for the coming seasons.


Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea

Nephew (Important)

Towards Rornir - God of Kings and Artisans



Rornir - God of Kings and Artisans

Uncle (Trivial)

Towards Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea




Aesis depends to some degree on Rornir’s followers for worship, due to the fact that many of them are sea-going merchants or make their living in some way from the oceans (fishermen) or depend on Aesis for the weather that allows the crops to grow. Aesis can’t help but sometimes cause damage, however, causing the relationship with Rornir to be strained at times.   When Aesis was brought into existence it angered Rornir very much and he wanted to destroy the young god. Only through the convincing of Uris was Aesis allowed to continue to exist. Sometimes the relationship with Aesis is strained because Aesis causes storms that damage Rornir’s creations, or cause harm to his followers. Rornir tolerates the actions of Aesis mainly due to love for his sister Uris.

Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea

Son (Vital)

Towards Uris - Goddess of Beginnings



Uris - Goddess of Beginnings

Mother (Vital)

Towards Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea




Uris is Aesis’ mother. They hold a deep respect for each other. Aesis often will consort with Uris to gain her perspective and wisdom.

Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea

Son (Trivial)

Towards Ygdall - The Trickster



Ygdall - The Trickster

Father (Trivial)

Towards Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea




Ygdall is Aesis’ father. Aesis was brought into the world by trickery on the part of Ygdall. Ygdall tricked Uris into having romantic relations with him, which produced Aesis. It pains Aesis to fight against his father, but events in the past have left them with little choice.

Divine Classification


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