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Ygdall - The Trickster

Ygdall is the god of chaos, creation, and destruction, and death. He believes in creation for the sake of creation and goes out of his way to influence events throughout the mortal realm just to see what happens. In the beginning times, Rornir imprisoned him because of his fear of the unpredictable things Ygdall would create. Ygdall rotted in his celestial prison for thousands of years, slowly working on his escape. Once he had escaped, he quickly set to sowing the seeds of chaos throughout the world. He took advantage of Uris’ and her desire to have offspring and tricked her into having carnal relations with him in the form of a male bear. Once Uris and Ygdall had mated, it was quickly discovered that Ygdall had escaped his prison. Ygdall has attempted several times since then to bring another god into existence as he views the dynamic of power in the heavens as too rigid and believes that Rornir and Uris hold too much sway over the progression of things. Ygdall is responsible for the creation of Goblins, Orcs, Ratfolk, and the Kolbold.  


All worshipers have internalized their dedication to Ygdall so deeply that their every action is thoughtlessly bound to his desire. They aren’t forced to worship, they are an act of worship. Many of his most devoted followers appear as nothing more than insane to outsiders.  


Even a hint that you follow Ygdall loses you respect in both the mortal and divine realms. Any worshippers must keep their faith secret to function in regular society. Those that wish to actively and openly worship him often join secret cults or live on communes deep in the wilderness. The cults and communes actively sow chaos and interfere in the normal operation of society.  


There are pockets of devoted followers spread out throughout the world. From small towns and villages to the largest of cities, if one looks hard enough will find signs of his followers acting from the shadows.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Chaos
  • Creation/Destruction

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ygdall’s followers see a yellow triangle as holy. They adorn their clothes with a hidden triangle and often hide the symbol in their homes.

Tenets of Faith

Ygdall takes pleasure in sowing chaos, he takes great joy when his followers sow the seeds of chaos for him. His followers also perform grizzly sacrifices at regular intervals, often times they are animals, but he views human sacrifice more favorably.


Ygdall - The Trickster


Towards Uris - Goddess of Beginnings

Uris - Goddess of Beginnings


Towards Ygdall - The Trickster

Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea

Son (Trivial)

Towards Ygdall - The Trickster



Ygdall - The Trickster

Father (Trivial)

Towards Aesis - Elemental God of the Sea




Ygdall is Aesis’ father. Aesis was brought into the world by trickery on the part of Ygdall. Ygdall tricked Uris into having romantic relations with him, which produced Aesis. It pains Aesis to fight against his father, but events in the past have left them with little choice.

Ygdall - The Trickster

Hated Enemy (Important)

Towards Rornir - God of Kings and Artisans



Rornir - God of Kings and Artisans

Hated Enemy (Important)

Towards Ygdall - The Trickster




Rornir and Ygdall are sworn enemies. In the beginning times, Rornir imprisoned Ygdall as he didn’t want the chaos in the world brought by Ygdall. Ygdall slowly bided his time and eventually escaped his prison. Later on, Rornir would yet again thwart Ygdall’s attempts at creating another god with the help of Aesis and Uris.   Ygdall not only tricked Rornir’s sister but has also destroyed or corrupted Rornir’s different works over the centuries prompting growing anger because of his actions.

Divine Classification


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