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The Undercroft, Aberiam's version of the Underdark, is an expansive system of caverns which spread across the whole underground of Aberiam. It is a dark place, lit by fungal growths and inhabited by some of the most devious and monstrous creatures on Aberiam. It is accessible in seldom places on the surface with most being secrets kept by Drow, Duergar, and Minotaur. It also is the location of many rifts between Aberiam and the Shadowvale.


As extensive as the Undercroft is, its geography varies greatly from small, barely passable tunnels to massive caverns miles across. Thanks in part to its unstable nature, these smaller caverns are often unmapped with only the larger caverns and the known routes between them being wandered by races such as the Drow, Duergar, and Minotaurs. Many mysterious lies in these unmapped portions of the Undercroft.

Fauna & Flora

The Undercroft is inhabited by all manner of monstrosities, aberrations, and beasts which are thankfully stowed away from the surface which they pose the greatest threat to should they ever leave that dark space. Otherwise, the Drow, Duergar, and Minotaurs make their home in the caverns, building sprawling cities where wit and might make right. Mysterious creatures inhabit those unexplored tunnels of the Undercroft, sometimes striking out into the relatively "lit" regions.
Alternative Name(s)
Cave System


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