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A race of manlike, bipedal bovines originally native to Aurelia, Minotaurs share a long history with both the Dvati and Elves. Originally inhabiting the fringes of the Dvati Empire, Minotaurs were known as a stalwart people capable of resisting even the Dvati Heavy Infantry. In the twilight years of the Empire, Minotaur mercenaries became a ubiquitous sight before the founding of Minotaur Kingdoms in the Undercroft. Thanks to their natural strength and abilities, Minotaurs are generally considered one of stronger races within the Undercroft.

Basic Information


Minotaurs possess the head and hooves of a Bull and the upper body and loins of a regular humanoid. Horns are not a gender-exclusive trait among Minotaurs with both males and females possessing them, though male horns are typically more pronounced. Female Minotaurs also typically possess rounder, shorter faces when compared to their male counterparts.

Growth Rate & Stages

Minotaurs age quicker than Humans, typically maturing around fourteen years of age and not living much longer than eighty years.

Ecology and Habitats

Historically, Minotaurs lived in small tribes which made their homes in caves, hilly regions, or thick forests before forming kingdoms in the Undercroft. Minotaurs find themselves naturally at home in these regions where they can easily identify navigate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite their bovine appearance, Minotaurs are known to omnivorous with a propensity towards a carnivorous lifestyle. They have even been known to prey on other sapient races, devouring them as an exotic delicacy. While these Minotaurs are rare, their habits are well-known and contribute to a poor perception of the race as a whole.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Minotaur social structures are generally structures of power with physically powerful leaders tending to take the reigns of a group. This respect of power extends even beyond the prime of the individual as older Minotaurs are respected as much in their later life as in their prime.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While uncommon on the surface, Minotaurs are a common sight in the Undercroft.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Minotaurs possess a near-perfect sense of direction being capable of navigating any place they have previously been, given that large changes have not been made to the location. This ability doesn't seem to work well in large open spaces where points of reference are not easy to find.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

While they dominate the Undercroft, Minotaurs aren't a technically sophisticated species. Iron Metallurgy has progressed very little, however, the discovery of Dark Iron in the Undercroft has allowed this relative stagnation. Most steel and other advanced metals are imported into Minotaur lands.


As the Minotaurs lacked their own written language for the majority of their history, most records of early Minotaur history is recorded by Dvati Scholars and preserved by later Elven Conquerers. The Dvati note Minotaur society as a barbarous one but are not completely without respect, noting the resilience of Minotaurs to Dvati expansion. These early records also possess the earliest recorded instances of the Minotaur's propensity to devour other humanoids with references to Dvati soldiers being cooked and eaten after skirmishes.   After their migration into the Undercroft, Minotaurs soon after adopted their own writing system. This gives the most detailed records of Minotaur society as they came to dominate the Undercroft, coming into contact with the Drow and Duregar.

Common Myths and Legends

Minotaurs share a Pantheon with Loxodons and Centaurs, primarily worshipping the lesser deity Baphomet. Baphomet is said to have moulded the Minotaurs out of limestone in his own image. Baphomet was devoured by Tiamat during the Gods Plague, leading to a decline of the Minotaur surface kingdoms and their migration into the Undercroft. After being reformed, Baphomet claimed one of the fragments of Archefyre as his domain.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Minotaurs generally view other races as inferior.
60 years
Average Height
7'1" to 7'5"
Average Weight
320lbs to 350lbs


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