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Dangerous and respected predators, Wyverns are a typically unintelligent breed of Draconic creature. This lack of sapience is not to be taken as a note of a lack of cleverness, aside from dragons, Wyverns possess some of the most honed hunting instincts out of any draconic creature. If a Wyvern wishes to make you its prey, there are few ways to stop it. During mating season, which occurs every few years, Wyverns will gather in large numbers to find a mate. These gatherings can be very dangerous for nearby civilization as hungry wyverns, in great numbers, often have little fear of retaliation. During most of the year, Wyverns act as solitary hunters.

A special variety of Wyverns, known as Feathered Wyverns, are often trained by Dragonborn and Humans for their good demeanor. These Feather Wyverns often end up in the hands of Dragon Knights, esteemed adventurers, or nobles who wish to make a point of their wealth.

Basic Information


Wyverns are a four-limbed Draconic creature, they possess two large wings and two powerful legs which support most of their body weight when landed. The common Wyvern tends to possess a poison stinger. The rare Black Wyvern, which is remarkably sapient, possesses an acid breath weapon but lacks a tail stinger. Feathered Wyverns typically possess either a Thunder Breath Weapon or a Lightning Breath Weapon.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyverns lay eggs in batches of two to three which are then watched after by the Mother.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyverns tend to make their homes in natural caves, abandoned lairs, or sufficiently large ruins. However, they have been known to dig their own lairs, though this is most common among Black Wyverns.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thanks to their Draconic nature, Wyverns eat remarkable little for a creature of their size. A whole sheep is perhaps enough to sustain a whole Wyvern for a week or longer.

Additional Information


While most Wyverns can be domesticated by a Dragon Knight, those not willing to dedicate their lives to the craft are better off looking into purchasing a Feathered Wyvern.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wyvern scales, while not as densely knitted as true Dragon Scale, is often used to make suits of Wyvern Scale Mail. This armour lends some of the benefits of Dragon Scale Mail.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wyverns have remarkably keen eyesight, perfect for aerial hunters.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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