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The Dragons of Aberiam are the children of the Draconic Gods. They nearly conquered the whole world during the Dragons Bane, however, due to the intervention of the dragon demi-goddess, Vydiolat, the Dragons were defeated. The Dragons were scattered across Aberiam and set against one another so as to prevent the Dragons from ever forming a powerful nation again.

Basic Information


True dragons bear four legs, a scaled body, a long tail and neck, strong bones, and two large wings. Many possess horns and ridges.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons grow in stages from Wyrmling, Young, Adult, and finally Ancient Dragons

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons live in every environment across Aberiam, some even making their home in the Undercroft. Others still make their home in the Shadowvale and the Zelwind.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons hunt rarely, hibernating for great periods of time, this is thanks to their draconic metabolism which requires very little food.

Biological Cycle

True dragons grow larger and gain more abilities as they grow older with the oldest dragons being the size of cities and so rare that none except the Gods can claim to have seen them in life.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragons possess a social structure based on age and species, with older and more powerful dragons rising to leadership. The notable exception to this rule was Belhemat the Black, a relatively young Black Dragon who thanks to the influence of Tiamat grew to the size of a Great Wyrm.


Some dragons may rarely bond with typical humanoids at birth, losing a portion of their draconic magic and binding the two's souls together. So long as the bonded partner lives, the dragon cannot die so long as its bonded partner lives but if they should die then the Dragon will die. Granting their bond partner a portion of their magic extends their lifespan up to ten-fold. This reduces the potentially infinite lifespan of a dragon in return for a constant companion.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragons are fairly evenly distributed across the surface of Aberiam.

Average Intelligence

Dragons are typically hyper-intelligent creatures, calculating and meticulous in all of their actions. Whenever a dragon acts, you can be certain of an ulterior motive.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Many older dragons possess Truesight, being able to see everything within thirty feet of them through anything.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Draconic names are typically three syllables long and share consistent sounds. They avoid repeated letters in a name so a Dragon will not have a double consonant or a double vowel in their name. Some examples including names currently in use and mixed together include; Bahamut, Tiamat, Vydiolat, Belhemat, Thuranox, Zilanthar, Beldiothar, Vyhanox, Bahanthar.

Gender Ideals

Dragons differ little between each other in size or mannerisms. However, it may be noted that females are more likely to possess a commanding approach in situations where males possess an advising approach.

Courtship Ideals

Dragons believe in life-bonding between mates and absolute faithfulness. Thanks to the low impulses Dragons possess, this is typically not a problem. However, Dragons often strike out in retribution against unfaithful partners.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Given their immense size, Dragons are prone to the enslavement of other races to doing their busy work. Despite this, Draconic architecture, literature, and all manner of other arts are uniquely Draconic thanks to their role as overseers. Draconic cultural themes include wealth, the accumulation of experience/knowledge, and the domination of others by more gifted individuals.


Birthed by Bahamut, Tiamat, and the other members of the Draconic Pantheon, Dragons hold the greatest connection to their deities out of any species as they are supposedly made in the image of their creators. This sense of superiority bled over into Dragon's interactions with other races. They were an initially reclusive and isolationist people, uninterested in the activities of the lesser species for thousands of years. This changed when Belhemat the Shadow, a demi-god child of Tiamat, seized control of the largest Draconic Kingdom by slaying the Great Wyrm who governed it. Leading his dragons, Belhemat attacked and conquered the other Draconic Kingdoms and slayed all of the Great Wyrms. Setting his sights on the lesser races, Belhemat performed dark experiments to extract draconic essence and to create new creatures. This process birthed Drakes, Wyverns, Dragonborn, and all manner of Draconic creatures. Using these creatures to bolster his army he launched an assault across all the races of Aberiam. However, the demi-god child of Bahamut, Vydiolat, rose up to lead the dragons who disapproved of his experiments and the races which fought against subjugation by Belhemat. After hundreds of years of fighting, Belhemat was banished to the depths of the sea and Vydiolat ascended to become the Dragon Goddess of Freedom. The Dragons were scattered to the four winds with their civilizations destroyed. Vydiolat now watches over Dragonkind, preventing a similar event from ever happening.
Genetic Descendants

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