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Created through the experimentation of Belhemat the Shadow, Dragonborn initially were used by the Dragons against the other races of Aberiam, forming enslaved legions. Their most likely origin was from among Lizardfolk who were obtained enmass as eggs by Belhemat after their civilization fell to the Dragons. After the end of the Dragons Bane, the Dragonborn were freed by Vydiolat and tasked with destroying the Draconic monstrosities unleashed by Belhemat. They still serve that goal to this day, though with the population of Draconic creatures reaching a manageable level, they have begun to seep into the other professions in society.

Basic Information


Dragonborn possess a humanoid body plan, though their face is replaced with a reptilian snout, alongside horns, fins, or tendril-like hair. They are typically larger than humans and weight substantially more. They possess short to long tails.

Biological Traits

Dragonnborn possess an innate breath weapon, similar to the breath weapon of their draconic progenitors. This breath weapon is based on the subspecies of Dragonborn, which can be determined by their scale colour.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonborn mature much quicker than humans with a Dragonborn being considered ready for training at age three. They fully mature three years before humans and may live a little over a century.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonborn organize themselves into Clans with the eldest members of the Clan serving on a council which decides the Clan's fate. Each Dragonborn within a Clan is seen as a reflection of that Clan and it is not uncommon for unruly members to be banished from a Clan.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragonborn are distributed across Aberiam in established Clans which lay claim to an area of land, keeping the population of draconic creatures in the regions low.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn typically possess two-syllable names which share syllables with Dragon names. These names hold a kind of abbreviated meaning in Draconic. However, it is not uncommon to meet a Dragonborn with a three-syllable name, especially among the more populous Clans.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dragonborn are a culture of specialists who dedicate themselves to whatever craft they set their sights upon. For this reason, it is not uncommon for Dragonborn to achieve the rank of Master within a given profession. They also possess strong familial bonds which are difficult to break, banishment from a Clan is seen as the most difficult decision an Elder Council can make. Dragonborn are also known to have first domesticated Drakes and Wyverns, many Clans breed and sell these creatures to organizations interested in them. The Wyvern Riders of Haberbeem are one such organization.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Dragonborn see Vydiolat as their Patron Goddess and worship her alongside Bahamut and an assortment of other deities.


Freed by Vydiolat after the Dragons Bane, the Dragonborn have existed on Aberiam for over two thousand years, becoming an established race of warriors for hire. Nearly every conflict since the end of the Dragons Bane has seen Clans of Dragonborn pit on either side to the highest bidder. However, this mercenary nature comes second to Dragonborn whose primary goal is the service of the Goddess Vydiolat. Seeking to control the population of Draconic creatures unleashed on the world by Belhemat.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 years

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