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Cephopoda Harvesters

"There's a reason no Lydgarthan wiser than the dirt beneath our feet would ever, ever willingly work upon those damn shores and the coasts! With the helions, and banshees, and geists, you'd expect that to be the worst of the worst, the end of it all. But, no! Not at all, in fact! There needs to be squids that can drink you! Yes, yes, you. Not your brains, or your water, or anything like that. You. Real, fucked up, freaky crap, isn't it?"  
- Marine Biologist, on why she stopped studying the Lydgarthan Oceans
      [ltr]Cephopoda was the name to an ancient eldritch horror. Worshipped in the most ancient times for it's bizarre form, it resembled a gargantuan squid, before cephalopods were formed into existance. As one of the few horrors to be worshipped like a god, Cephopoda kept itself close to the tethers of those that worshipped it. This was mostly on the fishing hamlets of ancient lands that would soon be known as Lydgartha. As it's domain grew, as did the desire from Old Gods of Aitso to have it killed. This caused Paradime, God of the Division to be issued the order to wipe out Cephopoda. Due to Paradime's status in a matter of natural law itself, the horror stood no chance in the fight. Cephopoda knew this, and bargained with the god that there'd be no need for fighting, and that all of the worshippers it had accumulated would in turn worship Paradime. In return, Cephopoda would sacrifice itself, into a race of squids that lived within the Lydgartha Seas. Those villages now stand today, still, now as towns along with a city too. The city is known as Inkonvale, which is where the Cephopoda Harvesters often attack.
  [/ltr] Cephopoda Harvesters are known as some of the most ruthless species of sea creatures out there. Unlike most species that live within the dark waters of the Lydgartha territories, they can survive for short periods of time when on land. There is a catch to this, however, which has made them so known. They have the ability to consume the liquids of a being in it's entiriety, in return for longer periods of time upon the dark lands. The process is swift, but often ends up with the squids becoming enlargened and unable to be able to hide themselves from any aggressors who were close to their targets. Even if they are able to hide away, the Cephopoda Harvesters have a glow that emits off of their tentacles. Despite their toughened skin, and immunity to being burnt, a key form of violence found with Lydgarthans, they are subject to brutal hunts when found on land.

Trident of the Deep

Weapon (Trident), Rare (requires attunement)
  It appears to be made of stone, but have an ornate design about it. while also being smooth and sharp. Upon closer inspection, the Trident of the Deep is actually made up of Cephopoda Harvesters, along with limestone.
  The Thirst of the Depths. This weapon does an additional 1d8 cold damage on a hit.
  The Fate of The Ocean. On a critical hit, the target's lungs fill with water that cannot be expelled for 1 minute, forced to experience the fate of a doomed sailor. Creatures that cannot breathe water begin suffocating and creatures that can breathe water are forced to hold their breath for the duration.
  As the byproduct of a would-be god, each of the squids that held some form of intelligence would display the signs that Cephopoda, before being targeted by Paradime, was eager to becoming worshipped like any other God. This has caused many of the Harvesters to develop god complexes. They believe themselves to be much stronger than any other being out there. Even if they aren't the largest of creatures in might or malice, it has caused many of these squids to be killed by veteran adventurers or heroes. Despite their intelligence, they are not smart enough to realise they could win the fights with veterans and heroes if they had simply worked in groups rather than by themselves. Despite resembling squids, which usually have two tentacles along with eight arms, the Cephopoda have approximately 15 tendrils to their use, each one of these being either an arm or a tentacle to use. Due to how few there are of this species, each set of 15 tendrils are unique to each Cephopoda Harvester. 
Geographic Distribution


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