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Lydgarthan Duneshapers

"We used to feel the earth beneath our feet. Homes were just as easy to make as a story. We had towns, ones made in matters of hours, just to be on our own. Lydgarthans don't like us. They never did. Evil loves to disrupt Good. We're what is left of an old city, one of sand and dunes, and yet we live in a mire, now. Arna the Mighty led us here. Without her, we would all be dead. Bless the mighty, and all that come after her," 
- Blessed Celotat, Lost Duneshaper 
  Lydgartha is known, currently, for being a demented place of witch-hunts on those that seem different. Many people have left the region out of fear of being judged, discriminated, or even murdered, by the theocracies that exist in the land. Half-Orcs have seem the majority of these blatant attacks, being driven from the heaths and grasslands of Northern Lydgartha, past the oceans into further lands, or being stuck in the canyons and cliffs of eastern Lydgartha. Those that refused were attacked, and eventually slaughtered. To their aid came a being of the Sands, a being once worshipped in the area as a god, only to be killed by Paradime, God of the Division. In it's remnants, it was able to bestow the surviving orcs with the powers of Duneshaping.
  Duneshaping is the innate ability to control sand. It has limited ability over slabs of stone and other, much larger minerals. At an extent, controlling the sand of Lydgartha could cause natural disasters. Sandstorms became a common obstacle to the Heretic-Cleansers and other hunters that had been established within the Lydgarthan settlements. It made for a good escape for when they had gotten too close to their settlements. The Duneshapers were, mostly, wanderers. Their homes were made of sandstone, built to be temporary, until finding solitude within the Eastern Canyons. Tall, ridged rock surfaces made it so that living a hidden life was rather easy. Those that did not wish to be seen by other people in Lydgartha had been able to hide within the ridges and caverns of the canyon.
"To think that we once had a home there. I miss it. I miss it dearly, and everything we had. Our divine blessing was a mere curse, inflicted by a third force," 
- Blessed Celotat, Lost Duneshaper 

In Graceswift

    Now living in Graceswift, the Lydgarthan Duneshapers had been able to evade past the Spiritswords that guarded The Bog of Colmar , and had ventured into Graceswift. As this was after the war-infested times of Fae-Prowling and The Fall of the Fae , Graceswift seemed to be a place of relative peace, especially with Psyche being the main entity of the region, rather than something as malicious as The Myriad. 
    The Duneshapers, now having lost their ability to shape the sands, because of the lack of coasts or deserts in Graceswift, had decided to keep up the cultural traditions whilst surviving in Colmar. It may not be as lively as they originally hoped, but it kept them alive, with fresh food. Colmar was home to them. Arna's influence on their livelihood was reflected on the fact that they had nobody else who deemed themselves as enemies, or wished for their 'extinction'. The Duneshapers, whilst losing the key aspect to their culture, had survived, and could live for another day. 
  Life in Graceswift has even integrated them to a level, where a lady named after Arna, their original saviour, has become a Scion of the Psyche , a being that reflects the goodness of Graceswift. She interprets the strive to work for peace and goodness as valour, to defeat evil before it can corrupt the good of the world. 

Escape into Graceswift

  The canyons have always been a place of discomfort. Whilst not filled with the terrors of Lydgarthan warriors and assassins, it is home to many monsters. Hellions loom underneath the arid grounds, and there are many bug-like monsters that prowl the caves and open caverns. Finding food is a troublesome task, as farming is considered a rather complicated task when it comes to the canyon. Sunlight can only make it so far down, and water is even more scarce in those base levels. This left the Duneshapers as nomadic gatherers. They would travel across the different passageways and tunnels to find even a morsel of sustenance, or a scrap of food. Their travels went deeper and deeper, until entering the Catacombs and Mausoleum Tunnels beneath the grounds of Lydgartha. 
  An area filled to the brim with deadly warriors, both the risen and the remaining. This combination of soldiers spelt dread for the Duneshapers. So far away from the Sands, they held no magical prowess. All they had was their physical strength against these deadly warriors. They stood no chance against them, and their strongest had perished deep below the grounds of the canyon. With their tunnels, bore gentle torches made from dead trees in the canyon, marked with the Crest of the Sands. With that, the killers and conquerors would make their way into the heart of the small settlements that were made by the Duneshapers, and caused one of the greatest massacres in the history of Lydgartha. Few managed to escape from each of the areas, but had banded together in one of the last-known safe areas within the Canyons. It had been deadly to more than just the Duneshapers. Due to being a blessing that bore no physical impact upon the individuals, or their appearance, it had become hard to find a Duneshaper. Many other Half-Orcs within the area, with no knowledge of either side of the deadly conflict, had been slaughtered alongside the Duneshapers.
  There did stand one last hope for the Duneshapers. A powerful warrior, blessed with greater Terramancy. Known as Arna, she became a heavenly fighter for their cause, and drove the remnants of the people into the Fabled Mirelands , a place where they found nobody who was out to directly harm them. Regardless, it still served as a deadly place to live, but they managed to make it their home, eventually. 


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