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The Night of Latheril

"Hunt down those that are weak! The ones that would not survive annihilation! The land must be scourged of the folk that do not belong here! The filth! The wretched! Slay them until the streets run red with their decrepit blood! Latheril bless us, for we shall have a foul night of murder!" 
- The Killers' Chant of The Night of Latheril 
  Latheril is a demon that resides in Lydgartha. With the dark powers of murder and pain, the demon is known for making his mark upon the lands of corruption and evil. Seen as one of the most powerful, and infamous, beings of Lydgartha, Latheril's power is unchecked within the region. This made him beloved by many evil people across Lydgartha, to the point at which they celebrate his evil nature in a single night, whenever he makes his presence known. Said to be the Night of Latheril, it involves many kilelrs and criminals to unleash their built-up anger, and slay as many people as they can in one single night. Their main targets are those that are deemed as undesirable, such as the homeless, or those that have not found Fort Traggith, like the Bruteborn. Due to the targets of these murder-sprees often being physically capable, those that follow Latheril do it at night, when they are most likely to be asleep. Other targets include those with curses, or those that are social outcasts with their people, often being those that good-hearted. 
  The traditional individual that takes part in The Night of Latheril is usually a bandit that has nefarious ties to the organisations around them. The most common weapon to use within The Night of Latheril is a curved dagger, which is Latheril's favoured weapon due to the personal nature of the weapon, as well as it's trait to usually cause more pain than a normal weapon. 
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