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That only the Gods and their servants should be immortal is seen as a great injustice by Hess and Mortality, the great curse of peoples. Whilst he could not fight the consensus of the other Gods, he could and did create a loophole that mortals could use. But mortality alone was not a sufficient incentive, so Hess ensured that the end of life would be suffering, and thus created death. Hess rules Orshten, alongside Razor, he restored many of the inhabitants of the broken world to undeath, they now serve Hess as his immortal servants.   Followers. Necromancers use both divine and arcane magic and anyone who has a great fear of death may devote themselves to Hess. Indeed, those who do persist after death as spectres, wights, vampires, or other similar beings. Prayers may be given to Hess, to ask him to keep death away or to end a plague, thanks are given when a loved one escapes premature death.   Priesthood. Churches and Temples to Hess are usually accompanied by massive graveyards, cremation of the dead is forbidden as it steals the change at a second life to the fallen. Many have skeletal, servants and guides, it is considered a great honour for your bones to serve Hess after death.   Priests of Hess are mainly clerics and wizard necromancers and tend to adorn themselves with necklaces made from pieces of bone or ivory, the high priests wear skull masks and a crown of iron, many carry a staff, rod, mace or, morningstar the head of which is a skull of bone or steel.   Dogma. Death comes for us all, only in the mercy of Hess may you be spared from mortality. To not shun the undying, for they are blessed by Hess as they have escaped death. The afterlife is a false promise, eternity comes through the power of Hess alone.
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