Session XXXII: The Return of the Plague

Rewards Granted

Due to the Plague's sick sense of humor, the party was rewarded with a vial containing one dose of the supposed cure to the disease afflicting Newbigton. However, this reward has caused difficulties within the party because it forces them to choose between Micnik and Kuchek, who were both infected with the disease.

Character(s) interacted with

The Army

Traneiros Ennardilka
Upon entering the army encampment outside of Newbigton, the party witnessed an event that immediately made them question the intentions of the army. A little girl had rown to the encampment from the city, and ran into the camp fearfully screaming that she couldn't remember her name. The soldiers immediately shot up from their resting positions, and blasted the girl with fire magic—killing her instantly. Upon asking the soldiers their reasoning, the soldiers revealed that "it was a mercy." The girl had fallen victim to some sort of disease within the city and the army was tasked with containing the disease by King Tandoril, who was currently in Drakgir—the next town over.
Bridge Soldiers
Originally, the soldiers were ordered not to let anyone into the city, an order which the intended to follow at the start of the session. However, after Ukar offered up 55 gold pieces as a bribe for the soldiers, the party was allowed into the city. The party elected to climb the wall, to avoid the mad townsfolk on the streets.

The Mad Townsfolk

The townsfolk of Newbigton had gone mad by the time the party had reached the city. They were brawling in the streets, various buildings, and in the city's stronghold. They were unable to remember who they were, and had vibrant green eyes. Some of the eyes of the more aggressive townsfolk even appeared to take on a draconic sort of appearance. In addition to this, the afflicted townsfolk also had an unnatural aggression towards fire and those who wielded it. This is a far cry from The Blight, which seemed to be afraid of fire. In total, the party killed roughly around 60-70 afflicted townsfolk.

Kuchek Goralin

The party travelled with Kuchek for most of the session. They used his extensive medical knowledge in order to take some precautions against the mysterious disease, but it is unknown whether this was successful—due to Kuchek's inexperience with this particular disease. Kuchek and Ukar were able to agree early on in the session that the blighted goo on the city's stronghold must foreshadow the return of the Plague—who the party thought was dead. Towards the end of the session, Kuchek—along with Micnik—was infected with what appeared to be the same disease afflicting the townsfolk. The two were shot with a dart which injected them with what appeared to be infected blood. Upon finding a dose of the cure, Kuchek did not fight for the cure, instead revealing that he had nobody who would miss him. He revealed that his parents and brother were killed in various hate crimes, and that his other—more criminal—brother was killed in Torleigh City (thought to be The Poisoner).

The Plague

The Plague was revealed to be alive during the very last moments of the session. The party found him in the geyser room, hanging on the ceiling in the form of a giant spider (formed from blighted goo). The goo of the spider's head dripped away, revealing the Plague's face, with some notable changes. His right eye was filled completely with blighted goo, and his left eye had turned a vibrant green, complete with draconic pupils—similar to the townsfolk. A tentacle of blighted goo also came out of his mouth at various points in time. The Plague is also thought to have created the new disease afflicting Newbigton.
Tourceia Campaign
Elandril Laraethan
Heigolor Goltorah
Report Date
01 Jul 2022
Primary Location
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