The Plague

Dragon-Chosen Tuuphik Vorqrin (a.k.a. The Plague)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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Tuuphik Vorqrin was born approximately 450 years ago to a tribe of green dragonborn in modern day Berfordia. He was the only son of the tribe’s elders and, as such, he was expected to one day lead and protect the tribe. Tuuphik’s tribe was extremely religious, and religious traditions were an immensely important part of his culture. His tribe felt the strongest connection the nature, off of which they thrived, causing Gamta to be their most heavily worshipped goddess. Tuuphik reveled in hearing the tales and legends from his mother and father, and he absorbed every story he could find. He was the golden son of his village, kind to everyone, always willing to help, and he was respected. Everyone was confident, that when it was his turn to lead, he would lead their village to prosperity. He took this task very seriously, He explored his tribal lands—and beyond—in order to make note of potential threats and defenses that could be used to the benefit of the tribe. It was during one of these expeditions that Tuuphik’s life was forever changed.   Tuuphik had begun exploring past the boundaries of what was considered his tribe’s “sacred lands,” and had come to the bank of an unusually clear river. The river itself, which was clear enough for Tuuphik to make out the shape and color of each individual fish, rock, and plant, was not the strangest part of the land. More awe-inspiring was the beautiful lush jungle that lay across the river. Tuuphik saw the tallest trees and the most verdant greens. The exotic colored fruits. Brightly colored birds, animals with lustrous fur—it was a vision of paradise. He could lead his people to this land. He thought it must have been the home of a god, waiting to welcome his people, where they could live in harmony. So, he elected to explore deeper into this wonderful forest, to bring back proof of its existence to his tribe. He waded across the calm, cool stream into the dense jungle. It didn’t take long for him to make an even more wondrous discovery. As he had been walking through the jungle, pushing through the dense undergrowth, he eventually arrived in a small clearing. Standing in the center, was a wolf—but not in the normal sense. The beast had the general shape of a wolf, but instead of flesh and fur, its body was made up entirely of what appeared to be intertwining tree branches—where green light shone softly through the gaps. The wooden wolf cocked its head at him, before turning and running through the brush. Tuuphik chased after it. He followed it all the way into a large open glade—near what he assumed was the center of the jungle. In the center of the glade stood what looked like two trees, standing a few feet apart, as white and smooth as the antlers of a deer. Suddenly, where the wolf had been standing, there was a flash of green light. When the light disappeared, a bird—with the same wooden body and green light as the wolf—stood in its place, before flying up into the branches of one of the white trees. The ground began to shake and Tuuphik struggled to keep his balance as the ground under the two trees began to rise up, revealing the head of a gargantuan dragon—made of the same wooden exterior as the bird.   At first, the dragon stares at Tuuphik, with his glowing green eyes. Tuuphik stares back in astonishment. The staring continues for a few more moments, until the dragon finally asks what Tuuphik is doing in his jungle. Tuuphik replies that he was exploring to find somewhere or something to help lead his people to prosperity. As they speak, Tuuphik looks around in wonder, amazed by each creature. Each plant. Everything. The dragon notices this interest in nature, the awe, the respect, and he asks Tuuphik what he believes is the most important aspect of the world. To his satisfaction, Tuuphik replies nature. He replies that it is what he relies on, what he finds joy in, and what holds the wonders of the world. The dragon saw potential in Tuuphik. He felt untapped druidic energy within Tuuphik. He saw this dragonborn, in awe at the nature around him, and he decided to train him. He truly believed Tuuphik could help the world. The dragon beckoned him closer, before asking him if he would like to learn the druidic arts—to have an even greater connection to nature. Tuuphik wanted nothing more. He nodded, determined, and awaited the dragon’s instructions. Instead, the dragon opened its gaping maw and prismatic flames were expelled from his throat—completely engulfing Tuuphik. Yet, he felt no pain. He felt stronger. More in tune with the natural world than ever before. The dragon smiled, “Now that you have proven yourself, it is time I introduce myself. I am Medsvar the Primal Dragon, and I shall be your teacher.”   Tuuphik quickly took to the druidic arts, perfecting his wild shape technique within a matter of weeks. After his first discovery of the jungle, he returned home triumphant—with new magic to help his people. He had gained a basic grasp of nature magic, and was able to help produce food for his tribe. He was able to calm aggressive animals, and deaths to wild animals in his tribe occurred much less often. He felt he could learn to do so much more, so he decided to take an extended trip back to the jungle—back to Medsvar—where he could learn more magic. He was sent off with a unanimously warm goodbye. During his time away, his magic grew under the teachings of Medsvar. He began studying animals and plants—developing a particular affinity for fungi. Although, eventually tensions started to rise between him and Medsvar. As Tuuphik grew stronger, and studied the natural world more, he began to disagree with some of Medsvar's opinions. For instance, Medsvar believed that life should be protected at all costs, while Tuuphik saw death as a natural part of life. They should not work to circumvent death. They should embrace the time they have and try to make the best of it. Without death, there can be no new life. It was this philosophy that began to lead him down his dark path. He began to study living things, but also how living things died. He studied diseases in animals. He studied their biological processes. He studied the repairing capabilities of living creatures, but also the processes which circumvented them.   At one point, an invasive type of beetle began invading the jungle—killing a certain species of tree. Tuuphik saw it as his job to restore balance to the jungle—far from the nonintervention approach taken by Medsvar. Tuuphik decided to attempt to engineer a disease which would kill off the beetles—and the beetles only. However, he knew that Medsvar would never agree to something like this, so he decided to pursue it himself. He worked for days to create a precise disease, designed to be highly contagious and quickly kill the beetles. The method of death, would cause their bodies to rot at an unnatural rate, which would allow them to decompose into the earth faster once they died. He executed it perfectly— and after a week, all of the invasive beetles were killed and the ecosystem began returning to normal. When Medsvar found out though, he was furious. He berated Tuuphik for disrupting the natural order, saying that he did not know better than Gamta herself, he was not a god. Tuuiphik felt slighted. He felt underappreciated. He felt disrespected. Then Medsvar sent him over the edge. He lifted one of his huge claws from the earth, and placed it on Tuuphik’s head. He told Tuuphik he wasn’t ready to wield such power. Tuuphik felt like a knife was sawing away at the string connecting him to his magic. He fought back. In a pure rage, he released a virus to target Medsvar directly. To this day, he couldn’t tell you how he made it. It was the product of rage and desperation—not thought. The virus shot out from his fingertips in a purple blast of energy. Tuuthik’s connection still felt weakened, as if hanging on by a thread, but it was still accessible. When the virus hit Medsvar, the roots near the impact withered, and blackened—wounding him. The other primal beasts around Tuuthik stepped in, attempting to subdue him, but he was able to use the same virus to attack them. It killed some outright, but corrupted others. Their green light turned a deep purple, and the animals entered a feral rage. Tuuthik ran head on towards the nearest tree, which opened into a portal for him. He ran through—never looking back.   He stepped out of another tree, onto a hilltop overlooking his village. Something seemed wrong. It was the early afternoon, which meant the town should have been bustling with life. But there was no one to be seen. Tuuthik ran down the hill, into his village—a sinking feeling in his stomach. When he arrived at the entrance to his village, he was horrified. Dragonborn bodies lay haphazardly in the streets. Dead. There were no visible wounds. He knelt down next to one of the bodies, who he recognized as a man he hunted with as a child. His breath stank of rot—as if he had begun decaying from the inside out. As Tuuthink laid his hand on the chest of the man, his heart sank at what he felt. Ribs. The man’s muscle—almost completely gone. It was at this point that Tuuthik realized what had happened. He had caused the demise of his village. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to stare into the face of a green dragonborn, who he didn’t recognize. The man helped Tuuthik up. He said he recognized Tuuthik's potential. His gift. His mission. He too believed that the world was in need of balancing. The gods didn’t care enough to do it themselves. He said that while others may shun him for his work, he could see its nobility. He could help Tuuthik achieve his true potential. Achieve control. So that his plagues could be precise. So that nothing like what happened to his village would ever happen again. Tuuthik was hesitant at first, until the man reminded him that if he stayed, Medsvar would surely come after him. So the man offered Tuuthik an escape, and an opportunity. To join him in balancing the world. Tuuthik accepted—determined to make a difference. Determined to balance the world, however he saw fit. Later on, that man would reveal himself as Khothax, and Tuuthik would join the Cult of Chroma—forever shedding his identity. From that point on, he was only known as the Plague.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Medical Expert

Due to his work with creating and modifying diseases, the Plague has gained exceptional medical knowledge.

Natural Connection

Due to his druidic magic, the Plague boasts an extensive connection to the natural world, and is able to use magic to manipulate many aspects of nature to aid him in battle.

Symbiotic Body

Due to his merging with the Blight goo, the Plague is able to move fluidly and shape his body however he pleases. He is able to deal any physical damage type during an attack, and his natural goo weapon can be morphed into any shape that suits his fighting needs. He is also able to regenerate himself using the goo, unless it is destroyed by fire or some other means.



Old One (Vital)

Towards The Plague



The Plague

Dragon-Chosen (Vital)

Towards Khothax




Khothax approached the Plague after the Plague accidentally released a devestating virus on his own village. Khothax manipulated the Plague into joining him by using the Plague's own sense of self-preservation. He pushed the Plague to further develop his disease based skillset, ultimately turning the Plague into a master of maladies. This skill has made the Plague Khothax's most valued Dragon-Chosen, because of his plan to release the Breath of Madness.

Neutral Evil
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
1 Gamvirte, 222 B.R.H.
Date of Death
16 Kardes, 228 R.H.
222 B.R.H. 228 R.H. 450 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born as the son of the village elders
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Ukar
A small village outside Medsvar's Wilds, in Berfordia.
Place of Death
Watlema's Water Treatment Plant
Vibrant green, filled with goo
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green scales, covered in green goo
101 lbs
The Tourceian Pantheon, primarily Gamta
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